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Daughter of Elon Musk: 'I look quite good for being dead'

In an interview, Elon Musk stated that his son is dead to him. Vivian Jenna Wilson responds now to his transphobic remarks and 'completely false' claims about her childhood.

Vivian Jenna Wilson (links) responded on Thursday to transphobic statements by her father Elon Musk...
Vivian Jenna Wilson (links) responded on Thursday to transphobic statements by her father Elon Musk (rights)

Transgender - Daughter of Elon Musk: 'I look quite good for being dead'

Vivian Jenna Wilson, Elon Musk's estranged daughter, has publicly commented on her father's recent transphobic remarks about him being the Tesla CEO and X co-founder.

Wilson, born with male sex characteristics, decided to transition and is now physically a woman. She is the daughter from the marriage between Elon Musk and the Canadian writer Justine Musk.

Following his statements at the beginning of the week, Wilson responded on Thursday and labeled an anecdote about her childhood that Musk shared on X as "completely false."

Musk had posted on Monday that Wilson was "born homosexually and lightly autistic." As a child, he claimed she "chose jackets for me [Musk], and told me that they were 'fabulous.' Fabulous, which means 'fabulous' in English, is a word often used by homosexuals – a homophobic stereotype."

Elon Musk's Daughter Disputes Father's Claims

On Thursday, Wilson responded to this homosexual stereotype on Meta, Facebook's parent social media platform.

"I never chose jackets for him to wear, and I certainly didn't call them 'fabulous.' I didn't use the word 'fabulous' when I was four years old, I'd like to reiterate: I was four years old," Wilson said in a video.

She added, "He doesn't know what I was like as a child because he simply wasn't there, and during the brief time he was, I was relentlessly bullied for my femininity and my queerness by him."

"For a Dead Person, I Look Quite Good"

In an interview this week, Musk stated that his "son" is dead to him. The "Woke Virus" had taken him from him.

Wilson reacted humorously to this: "For a Dead Person," she wrote on Meta, "I look quite good."

Vivian Jenna Wilson, who identified as transgender, disputed Elon Musk's claim that she used the term "fabulous" frequently as a child and chosen his jackets, stating she was bullied for her femininity and queerness by her father during that time. Additionally, Wilson, responding to Musk's statement about her being 'dead to him' due to her stance on social issues, posted humorously on Meta, "For a Dead Person, I look quite good."

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