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Damages from strong wind in Southern Lower Saxony

Meteorologists expect strong winds and thunderstorms in parts of Lower Saxony for the evening. In the southwest of the state, a storm caused damage to buildings.

A stronger wind caused damages in the south-Lower Saxon Dissen at the Teuteburg Forest (Symbol...
A stronger wind caused damages in the south-Lower Saxon Dissen at the Teuteburg Forest (Symbol image).

Exceptions - Damages from strong wind in Southern Lower Saxony

Strong winds caused damage in the town of Dissen, located in the Teutoburg Forest in lower Saxony. No injuries were reported, according to a police spokesperson in Georgsmarienhütte. Preliminary reports from authorities indicate that branches fell and damaged buildings. The police estimated initial damages to be around 130,000 Euros. Further information was not available at first. In addition to the police, the fire department was also on scene.

The German Weather Service (DWD) expected powerful showers and thunderstorms in parts of Lower Saxony on Friday evening. According to the forecast, there is a possibility of wind gusts of force seven along the North Sea coast starting from Friday evening.

  1. Due to the severe weather conditions predicted by the German Weather Service, residents in the southwest of Lower Saxony were advised to take necessary precautions.
  2. The emergency services in Lower Saxony were put on high alert as the weather warning was issued, with a particular focus on areas prone to flooding and wind damage.
  3. The forecasted storms led to the closure of several schools and businesses in southwestern Lower Saxony on Friday, as a precautionary measure to minimize damage to property or goods.
  4. Following the meteorological incidents in Lower Saxony, some local authorities in the southwest urged their residents to check in with neighbors and report any damage to property or goods to the police for proper documentation.

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