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Cyprus suffers from continuous heatwave.

Temperature surpasses 40 degrees.

Permanent heatwave in Cyprus
Permanent heatwave in Cyprus

Cyprus suffers from continuous heatwave.

The scorching heat in Cyprus has been unbearable for its inhabitants for several days now, with temperatures soaring above 40°C. The meteorological office in Cyprus predicted that on Friday, the capital city of Nicosia might even reach 44°C. This heatwave, which started on Monday, is predicted to last until next week, as informed by meteorologists on the local TV channels.

The nights have been equally hot, with temperatures still reading just below 30°C, which is quite alarming for the well-being of the residents. "It's deadly heat," said a tourist on a Cypriot television channel.

To prevent any more health hazards, the Ministry of Labour instructed all outdoor work to cease during the daytime. This drastic measure was taken when the island's energy capacity was pushed to its limit on Thursday due to the excessive use of air conditioners.

A power plant that was being repaired on Thursday had to be reconnected to the grid for the same reason. Due to the sweltering heat, schools had to cancel their classes on Thursday, as children showed signs of dizziness and fatigue.

The Health Ministry urges everyone, particularly tourists, to dress in light-colored clothing, drink lots of water, and seek shelter under shade. Doctors continuously reiterate against consuming alcohol and fatty food to cope with the heat.

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