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Cycling is also remarkably simple.

Bike-related Records Tally

The bicycle designer Dieter (Didi) Senft sits on what his builder claims is the "largest...
The bicycle designer Dieter (Didi) Senft sits on what his builder claims is the "largest functioning bicycle in the world".

Cycling is also remarkably simple.

On World Bicycle Day, we delve into the realm of two-wheeled marvels, exploring their different forms and speed records.

Racing at Sizzling Speeds with Outside Assistance

The Guinness Book of Records notes the fastest person on a bicycle as a woman. In September 2018, Denise Mueller-Korenek rode in the slipstream of a vehicle pulling her custom-made bicycle, reaching an astonishing speed of 296 kilometers per hour. That's almost as fast as a Boeing 747 taking off from a runway. Thanks to the car's tow rope, she broke the long-standing men's record in Utah's salt desert.

Setting the Record Straight with Brute Muscle Power

Todd Reichert tackled the headwind in September 2016. On a specially designed recumbent bicycle, he raced through the US state of Nevada at an impressive top speed of 144.17 kilometers per hour, leaving the wind behind. His streamlined ride on this long, egg-shaped bicycle broke the 2015 record in the Guinness Book. As of October 2022, the "Hour Record" title belongs to Filippo Ganna, an Italian cyclist who completed 56.792 kilometers at Velodrome Suisse in Switzerland in a little over an hour. Meanwhile, Vittoria Bussi became the first woman to crack the 50-kilometer mark in the UCI-recognized event, covering 50.267 kilometers in Mexico in October 2023.

Unicycling the Globe in record time

Unicycling around the world in 80 days, as Jules Verne's character did, was surpassed by a Scotsman in real life. In September 2017, Mark Beaumont completed his journey, covering 29,000 kilometers in 78 days, 14 hours, and 40 minutes. He passed through 16 countries, with the finish line at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. That same year, Jenny Graham conquered the women's record, cycling through 13 countries in 124 days and 10 hours.

Gigantic Bicycles: Long, Large, and Tiny

The longest bicycle in the Guinness Book is a 12.6-meter-long tricycle made in Germany. The biggest bicycle is a 10.7-meter-long replica of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, while the smallest is a 12-centimeter-long model created by a Dutchman.

The longest rideable bicycle was traveled in Australia by Bernie Ryan in November 2020, who covered 100 meters on a 47.5-meter-long tricycle. The tallest bicycle, measuring 3.7 meters, was built on the Baltic Sea island of Usedom in October 2012. In September 2019, Sergej Daschewski set the record for the smallest rideable bicycle in Moscow, measuring 8.4 centimeters long.

A Monster Bike from the Futuristic Mad Max Movie

Bicycle aficionado Sebastian Beutler built a 5.2-meter-long, two-meter-high monster bike in June 2022 that weighed an incredible 2.18 tons. Modified by the German scrap artist, it became the heaviest bicycle in the world, with the Record Institute for Germany validating his creation.

Cycling with Butterfly Wings

The most expensive bicycle ever auctioned featured real butterfly wings, designed by British artist Damien Hirst. It was sold for $500,000 in November 2009. Lance Armstrong, a US cycling professional, rode this unique work of art in the last stage of the 2009 Tour de France before the sale.

Denise Mueller-Korenek raced through the salt desert in the slipstream of a pace car.

Read also:

In the context of breaking international speed records, the International Cycling Union (UCI) recognized Vittoria Bussi's achievement of covering 50.267 kilometers in Mexico, setting a new record for the longest distance covered by a woman in a single hour.

World Bicycle Day celebrations often include acknowledgment of various international bicycle records, such as Denise Mueller-Korenek's record-breaking speed of 296 kilometers per hour, which she achieved with outside assistance in September 2018.

