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CSU wants 'new benefit system for asylum seekers'

Asylum seekers typically receive fewer social benefits than other needy people. Once they are recognized as refugees, they are entitled to welfare benefits. This is a thorn in the side of many.

CSU faction leader Dobrindt wants to introduce a 'new performance system for asylum seekers'.
CSU faction leader Dobrindt wants to introduce a 'new performance system for asylum seekers'.

- CSU wants 'new benefit system for asylum seekers'

CSU faction leader Alexander Dobrindt is calling for a reform of social benefits for asylum seekers. "There needs to be a new social benefits system for asylum seekers that is below the level of unemployment benefits," Dobrindt told Bild. He also called for "stronger obligations to participate in work" and for "an offer of work to be part of an integration performance." Those who refuse reasonable work should expect a reduction in benefits.

In Germany, however, asylum seekers do not receive unemployment benefits, but rather benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, which are initially significantly lower. Only if they are recognized as refugees and in need, they are entitled to unemployment benefits. Refugees from Ukraine are immediately considered entitled to protection and therefore receive unemployment benefits or social assistance from the start.

FDP calls for more differentiation within the unemployment benefits system

FDP politician Pascal Kober is proposing a stronger differentiation among benefit recipients. "It's time to question whether we don't need different regulations for the various affected groups within unemployment benefits," Kober told the Rheinische Post. He mentioned distinguishing between "top-up recipients" who still need unemployment benefits despite working, long-term unemployed people with many psychological and health problems, and immigrants who could work. "Reasonableness criteria for the latter should take a back seat if costs and societal sentiment shift," Kober said.

CDU politician: "Morning language learning, afternoon park maintenance"

CDU interior politician Alexander Throm proposes introducing a "compulsory charitable service" for refugees. "Morning language learning, afternoon park maintenance. Everyone has to do their part," Throm told Bild. He also criticized the current system: "For years, it has been observed that the proportion of recognized refugees among unemployment benefit recipients is steadily increasing. Now it's already around 50 percent. This social benefit is therefore benefiting our citizens less and less and more and more immigrants, especially refugees."

  1. Given that the Commission shall be assisted by the European Parliament, it might discuss the need for a harmonized approach towards social benefits for asylum seekers across Europe, ensuring they do not surpass the level of unemployment benefits.
  2. In contrast to asylum seekers in Germany, who are not entitled to unemployment benefits but rather benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, FDP politician Pascal Kober suggests differentiating within the unemployment benefits system, considering distinct groups of recipients.

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