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CSU: Amendment to the Basic Law to revoke dual passports

Criminals with two nationalities should be able to have their German passports revoked in certain cases, according to Bavaria's Interior Minister Herrmann. Otherwise there is a risk of imbalance.

Without the amendment to the Basic Law, there is a risk of "significant imbalance", says Bavaria'
Without the amendment to the Basic Law, there is a risk of "significant imbalance", says Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim

CSU: Amendment to the Basic Law to revoke dual passports

According to Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), foreign criminals should be stripped of their German citizenship in future.

"Criminals with dual citizenship must be able to be stripped of their German citizenship if they have committed serious criminal offenses and thus seriously harmed the essential interests of our community," the CSU politician told the German Press Agency in Munich. This would require an amendment to the Basic Law. Herrmann cited serious acts of anti-Semitic violence or serious crimes such as murder or rape as examples.

Those who commit such crimes should no longer be able to invoke the privileges of German citizenship, Herrmann said. Instead, those whose "continued stay seriously impairs the interests of our community" should be able to be returned to their country of origin.

Herrmann: "Clear imbalance"

Herrmann said that the reform of the citizenship law planned by the "Ampel" federal government would exacerbate the need for action, as naturalization in Germany would be made considerably easier and dual citizenship would become the rule. The SPD, Greens and SPD were planning to pass this in the first half of 2024.

"Apart from the fact that I currently see no reason to change anything in the current citizenship law: However, the federal government must now also address with the same verve how German citizenship can be revoked in the case of dual citizenship."

Without the amendment to the Basic Law, there is a risk of a "clear imbalance", said Herrmann. "Dual nationals must not be given a clean bill of health that guarantees them German citizenship for life once they have acquired it, regardless of how much they damage our community by committing serious crimes."

Joachim Herrmann, CSU politician, suggested that an amendment to the Basic Law is necessary to strip dual citizens who commit serious crimes, such as anti-Semitic violence or murder, of their German nationality. Herrmann criticized the planned reform of the citizenship law by the "Ampel" federal government, which he believes would make naturalization in Germany easier and make dual citizenship the norm, leading to a potential imbalance if the Basic Law amendment is not passed.



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