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Crowd at Caspar David Friedrich - Opening hours extended

The Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich is being celebrated in this anniversary year. Works by the artist are currently attracting visitors to Berlin. The crowds are keeping the doors open for longer.

Lots of interest in Caspar David Driedrich on Museum Island. (archive picture)
Lots of interest in Caspar David Driedrich on Museum Island. (archive picture)

Successful exhibition - Crowd at Caspar David Friedrich - Opening hours extended

The run at Caspar David Friedrich's exhibition remains unbroken. In the anniversary year of the painter's 250th birthday, significant works are currently attracting crowds to the Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin. On Museum Island, over 200,000 visitors have already seen the special exhibition "Caspar David Friedrich. Infinite Landscapes" since April.

The opening hours are being extended once again. In the last week, the works of the German Romantic painter Friedrich (1774–1840) have been on display daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm from July 30 to August 4. The coveted time-window tickets are already available for these hours.

"Monk by the Sea" and "Chalk Cliffs on Rügen"

At the beginning of the year, Friedrich attracted around 335,000 people in Hamburg. Another show will follow in Dresden. The Berlin exhibition is part of a series of thematically independent shows for the anniversary year in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Alte Nationalgalerie, and the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. The three institutions possess the most significant collections of Friedrich's works worldwide.

In Hamburg, it was about Friedrich in relation to modern art, while Berlin focuses on his work and activity, and Albertinum and the Kupferstich-Kabinett in Dresden have taken a look at "Where it all began" since August.

Apart from the famous picture pair "Monk by the Sea" (1808-1810) and "Monastery in the Oak Forest" (1809-1810), in Berlin, well-known works such as "The Sea of Ice" (1823/24), "Chalk Cliffs on Rügen" (1818/1819), or "Stages of Life" (1834) can be seen. In cooperation with the Kupferstichkabinett of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, more than 60 paintings and 50 drawings from Germany and abroad are being shown.

The participating institutions will also lend works to New York next year, where the Metropolitan Museum intends to introduce German Romantic painter Friedrich to the US audience from February to May 2025.

  1. The Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin is located on Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its collection of notable museums.
  2. During the anniversary year of Caspar David Friedrich's 250th birthday, museums across Germany, including Berlin, Hamburg, and Dresden, are hosting exhibitions dedicated to his work.
  3. Berlin's Alte Nationalgalerie is currently showcasing a special exhibition titled "Caspar David Friedrich. Infinite Landscapes," attracting over 200,000 visitors since April.
  4. Caspar David Friedrich, a German Romantic painter, had a substantial impact on art, with significant works like "Monk by the Sea" and "Chalk Cliffs on Rügen" drawing large crowds to exhibitions.
  5. Apart from his famed pictures like "Monk by the Sea" and "Stages of Life," the Berlin exhibition features various works by David Friedrich, such as "The Sea of Ice" and "Chalk Cliffs on Rügen," in cooperation with the Kupferstich-Kabinett of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin.
  6. The upcoming anniversary year will also see the Metropolitan Museum in New York presenting an exhibition on German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich, aiming to introduce his work to the US audience.

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