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Critique from Greece towards the imposition of border checks by Germany

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Critique from Greece towards the imposition of border checks by Germany

After Germany announced tougher border measures to stem uncontrolled immigration, Greece has brought up concerns. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed these views during a radio chat, stating that tackling increased immigration shouldn't involve unilaterally scrapping the borderless Schengen Zone. He reasoning was that such a move would merely transfer the challenge to nations with Europe's external borders. Mitsotakis pushed for a "reasonable agreement" amongst all European nations, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding Europe's external frontiers.

Under the Schengen Agreement, travel is usually unrestricted inside the Schengen Area. Nevertheless, Germany will reinstate temporary borders for six months, starting from the upcoming Monday. The existing controls are in effect at the borders with Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, and Switzerland. Additionally, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark are also anticipated to feel the impact shortly.

As per the German Federal Ministry of Interior, the enlargement is driven by two factors: limiting unlawful migration and ensuring domestic security from current threats such as Islamic terrorism and cross-border crimes.

Greece, being a part of the European Union, shares similar concerns with Prime Minister Mitsotakis, emphasizing the need to address increased immigration without jeopardizing the Schengen Zone. Despite being a member of the Schengen Area, where travel is usually unrestricted, Greece could potentially face increased challenges if Germany's temporary border measures lead to a shift in migration patterns.

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