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Criticism of simplified change of gender entry

Everyone will soon be able to choose their own gender and first name. However, this is controversial. The Bundestag is now discussing possible amendments to Family Minister Paus' bill.

According to Family Minister Lisa Paus' draft law, in future everyone will be able to
According to Family Minister Lisa Paus' draft law, in future everyone will be able to determine their own gender and first

Criticism of simplified change of gender entry

The coalition plans to make it easier to change the gender entry have met with unanimous rejection from the opposition in the Bundestag.

"From our point of view, gender is not self-determined, but fate," emphasized CDU MP Mareike Lotte Wulf during the first reading of the so-called Self-Determination Act. Deputy AfD parliamentary group leader Beatrix von Storch explained: "You can no more change your gender than you can change your age or height."

The Left Party, on the other hand, does not think the plans of the traffic light coalition go far enough. Kathrin Vogler, queer policy spokesperson for the left-wing parliamentary group, complained that the draft law was "rather disappointing" and characterized by a "spirit of mistrust" towards those affected.

The planned new regulation is primarily aimed at transgender, intersex and non-binary people. According to the draft law by Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens), in future everyone in Germany will be able to determine their own gender and first name and change it in a simple procedure at the registry office. For far too long, this has been decided by experts, doctors and judges, said Paus during the parliamentary debate. "The Self-Determination Act does away with humiliating expert opinions, lengthy court proceedings and high fees."

"Defending the human dignity of transgender people"

Possible amendments to the bill will now be discussed in the parliamentary committees before the Bundestag takes a final vote. Wulf, a member of the CDU, was among those who requested amendments. For example, she called for effective "precipitate protection" for children and young people who want to change their gender entry. The deputy leader of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Dorothee Bär (CSU), advocated retaining a duty of counseling at least for young people - "not out of paternalism, but really out of care".

The Federal Government's Queer Commissioner, Sven Lehmann (Greens), called on all democratic parties to "protect transgender people and defend their human dignity". In recent months, defamatory false claims have been used to deliberately stir up public opinion against the planned self-determination law, he told the German Press Agency. "Fears and insecurities must not be stirred up just to win votes. Instead of further inflaming the mood on the backs of those affected, I call on the CDU/CSU in particular to hold an objective debate on the law."


