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Criticism mounts from German Children's Aid against the proposed termination of social support services.

Criticism mounts from German Children's Aid against the proposed termination of social support services.

The German Children's Aid Association has blasted proposals to eliminate all social assistance for certain refugees without permanent residency in Germany. According to Thomas Krüger, the organization's president, talking to Funke media group newspapers on Wednesday, "There's a chance that numerous kids and young adults will also face the brunt of this."

"From our standpoint, this goes against the UN Convention on Children's Rights, a commitment Germany has made to prioritize the welfare of all kids, irrespective of their birthplace or potential expulsion orders."

Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) announced plans to terminate social assistance for certain refugees. These changes affect individuals in the Dublin process, who initially entered EU territory in another nation. The responsible state then handles their asylum application. If said country agrees to transfer these individuals from Germany, they would no longer qualify for social assistance in Germany.

"To deny these kids funds for food, medication, or essential hygiene, forcing them to endure their departure, is a direct infringement on children's rights and goes against all ethics and human decency," cautioned Krüger. He referenced a ruling by the German Federal Constitutional Court, which grants refugees the right to a humane bare minimum existence. This principle could be undermined by the proposed changes, yielding to political pressure.


" Severing social benefits for these refugees, as proposed by Germany's Interior Minister, could potentially violate the children's rights, given that they are dependent on these benefits for essential necessities like food and medication."

"The German Children's Aid Association strongly opposes the plan to eliminate social assistance for refugees, arguing that it goes against the principle of providing a humane minimum existence, established by the German Federal Constitutional Court."

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