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Criticism from the Senate and Hollywood - further doubts about Biden

Biden has his hands full with the NATO summit in Washington. But his candidacy is still the dominant topic in Washington. Now Hollywood is also having its say.

The doubts about US President Biden's presidential candidacy continue unabated.
The doubts about US President Biden's presidential candidacy continue unabated.

US election campaign - Criticism from the Senate and Hollywood - further doubts about Biden

In the debate about US President Joe Biden's mental fitness, critical voices in his party do not hold back: For the first time, a Democrat in the US Senate publicly expressed clear doubts about Biden's chances of winning the White House race. And clear words against Biden come also from Hollywood: Actor George Clooney, a big supporter of the Democrats, spoke out against the 81-year-old in the "New York Times."

In the USA, discussions are taking place about whether Biden, due to his advanced age, is the right presidential candidate for the Democrats for the election in November. Biden has had to answer more and more questions about his mental fitness since his TV debate against his Republican challenger Donald Trump. Currently, Biden is trying to score points as the host of the important NATO summit in Washington and present himself as the leader of the defense alliance.

Senator fears consequences for majorities in Congress

Senator Bennet warned on CNN of a landslide victory, in which the Republicans would gain the majority in both chambers of Congress. In the election in November, not only the Presidency is at stake, but also all seats in the House of Representatives and one third of the seats in the Senate. "I believe Donald Trump is on the way to winning this election," said Bennet.

Bennet did not join the direct withdrawal demands made by some Democrats in the other parliamentary chamber, the House of Representatives, in recent days. His words were nonetheless unusually drastic. "It's a moral question about the future of our country," he said.

Biden confidant Pelosi reacts evasively in TV interview

Biden confidant and Democratic party leader Nancy Pelosi made headlines with a TV interview in which she refused to clearly support Biden as the presidential candidate. "It's up to the President to decide whether he runs," she said. "We all encourage him to make this decision, because time is running out." Upon being asked by the moderator that Biden had apparently already decided to stay in the race, Pelosi responded evasively.

In the US Congress, after a break, there is a sitting week again. This means that all parliamentarians of the Democrats are assembled in the US capital. Regular faction meetings in Congress are usually crisis meetings about Biden's political future. Observers had expected that a critical mass of representatives and senators would soon unite and openly oppose Biden. This has not happened yet. The critical voices are not silenced - there is still great unrest in the party.

Hollywood star Clooney calls for new candidate

Doubts about Biden exist not only within the party - but also among supporters and major donors. "I am a lifelong Democrat; I apologize for that," wrote the actor George Clooney in an opinion piece in the "New York Times." "I love Joe Biden. As Senator. As Vice President and as President," so the Hollywood star. But a battle that he could not win is the fight against time. Because of Trump, the party is so frightened that it ignores the warning signs. That's why we need a new candidate now.

Clooney had collected millions in donations for Biden's campaign at a fundraising event in Los Angeles just a few weeks ago, alongside other stars like Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand. At that time, Biden had traveled directly from the G7 summit in Italy to Hollywood to participate in this glamorous event.

  1. Amidst these discussions, the White House has remained silent on the concerns raised by critics in the Democratic party and Hollywood figures like George Clooney.
  2. The New York Times article featuring Clooney's critique has sparked heated debates within the Democratic circle, with some Republicans seeing an opportunity in US election campaign 2024.
  3. Joe Biden's mental fitness has become a prominent issue in the US Senate, prompting Senator Bennet to warn about the potential consequences of a Republican landslide victory in the upcoming election.
  4. The government is closely monitoring the developments, with Nancy Pelosi, Biden's confidant and House Speaker, evading direct support for his candidacy in a recent TV interview.
  5. The Senate, currently under Democratic control, could face major shifts if the Republicans gain a majority in November, potentially impacting US policy and crucial bills meant for the future of the nation.
  6. George Clooney's call for a new candidate has stirred the hearts of many Democrats, who are concerned about Biden's ability to navigate the ongoing US election campaign against Donald Trump.
  7. In the wake of Clooney's opinion piece, the US political landscape is witnessing a growing dissent within the Democratic Party, with some chiping in with their choice of alternative candidates.
  8. CNN, a major news outlet, has been at the forefront of covering this internal rift in the Democratic party, with pundits discussing the impact of controversial statements on Biden's campaign.
  9. Nancy Pelosi's evasiveness in a recent TV interview, coupled with unrest within the party, has caused uncertainty among Democratic supporters and raised questions about Biden's chances in the upcoming NATO summit and US election campaign.
  10. As the USA gears up for a coalition-building process at the NATO summit, the future of Biden's presidency and the Democratic Party remains uncertain, with #USElection2024 and US Senate races set to shape the political landscape in the years ahead.

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