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Court: Pharmacist may not refuse the morning-after pill for reasons of conscience

Repeated refusal

Court: Pharmacist may not refuse the morning-after pill for reasons of conscience
Court: Pharmacist may not refuse the morning-after pill for reasons of conscience

Court: Pharmacist may not refuse the morning-after pill for reasons of conscience

An independent pharmacist is not allowed to refuse the submission of "Pille danach" for conscience reasons. The Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg made this decision. The pharmacist did not have the medication in stock because, as the court announced on Thursday, he did not want to participate in a life already taken, as stated in his own statements. The man had repeatedly refused to submit the medication for this reason. The Pharmacists' Chamber Berlin had therefore initiated proceedings against him.

The "Pille danach" is a pharmacy-controlled medication, the submission of which cannot be refused for conscience reasons, the court ruled. Anyone who decides to run a public pharmacy must ensure comprehensive care. The judgment has no consequences for the man, according to the court spokesperson's statements.

  1. Despite the pharmacist's repeated refusal to submit the "Pille danach" due to his reasons of conscience, the Court of law ruled that this medication, being a pharmacy-controlled substance, cannot be refused for such reasons.
  2. Contrary to the pharmacist's belief that he should not participate in a life already taken, the Court of law, such as the Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg, deemed it unacceptable to refuse the submission of the "Pille danach" based on personal beliefs.
  3. The Court of law established that a pharmacist, being a public service provider with the task of ensuring comprehensive care, cannot use reasons of conscience as a justification for repeatedly refusing to submit the "Pille danach", a pharmacy-controlled medication.

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