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Court orders ARD to invite Wagenknecht's party to their "Election Arena".

Decision upholds BSW's stand

WDR must include the party headed by Sahra Wagenknecht in its election program.
WDR must include the party headed by Sahra Wagenknecht in its election program.

Court orders ARD to invite Wagenknecht's party to their "Election Arena".

The WDR initially refused to include the BSW in their program for the European elections. However, the North Rhine-Westphalia Administrative Court sided with the Wagenknecht Party, allowing spitzenkandidate Fabio De Masi to participate.

The spitzenkandidate for the European elections of the newly formed Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), Fabio De Masi, needs to be invited to the ARD program "Wahlarena 2024 Europa." This decision was made by the Administrative Court in Münster through an emergency procedure and reversed a decision by the Administrative Court in Cologne.

The program editor for the WDR had invited representatives from SPD, CDU, CSU, Greens, FDP, and AfD for a special episode on Thursday. The editor reasoned that since the BSW wasn't present during the recently concluded election period, it would be unfair to include them in the show. Additionally, there were constraints on guest numbers due to the focus on major parties with significant German representation in the current European Parliament.

Administrative Court's Judgment Revisited

The Administrative Court challenged the dismissal of the BSW, stating that it's unclear whether the show will indeed focus only on the previous election period. It also questioned the caps on guest numbers - as the BSW has been polling at a four to seven percent range, their potential presence would provide more balance compared to the FDP and the Left.

In its earlier ruling, the Administrative Court stated that public-law broadcasting institutions should include parties in their pre-election programs based on their importance. The WDR managed this by not inviting the BSW to "Wahlarena" but instead offering them equivalent exposure in other political shows.

Read also:

In light of the Administrative Court's revised ruling, ARD must now extend an invitation to Fabio De Masi, the spitzenkandidate from the BSW, for the TV debates in the "Wahlarena 2024 Europa" program. The continuation of the court's scrutiny of WDR's exclusion of the BSW suggests that the focus of the debates may not strictly adhere to the recent election period. The potential inclusion of BSW in the debates could provide a more balanced representation, considering their polling range of four to seven percent.

