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Countrywide holidays - but no traffic chaos

Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg were the last ones in the federation - now all federal states have holidays. Travelers must bring a lot of patience. However, the major traffic jams on the autobahns remained avoidable.

Travelers needed a lot of patience over the weekend. roads were congested nationwide.
Travelers needed a lot of patience over the weekend. roads were congested nationwide.

traffic - Countrywide holidays - but no traffic chaos

After the start of summer holidays in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, according to the ADAC, there was initially no sign of the expected traffic chaos over the weekend. However, the weekend is predicted to be the busiest of the year, but until Sunday midday, there have been no reports of wait times exceeding five hours, an ADAC spokesperson said. All federal states still have summer holidays in place.

On Sunday, traffic jams were reported nationwide. The bavarian A8 towards Salzburg was particularly affected, with the ADAC reporting several traffic jams. Cars lined up for eight kilometers near Bad Aibling and at the border crossing at Bad Reichenhall. In the Stuttgart region, the ADAC reported an eleven-kilometer traffic jam. On the A5 near Karlsruhe, traffic came to a standstill for ten kilometers, and on the A1 near Osnabrück, for twelve kilometers.

According to the ADAC, the highways with the greatest congestion include those in the metropolitan areas of Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich. Suspects abroad include the Tauern-, Fernpass-, Inntal-, Brenner-, Karawanken-, Pyhrn- and Gotthard-Routes.

On Saturday, travelers spent the longest time on the A1 from Bremen to Hamburg and on the A7 towards Hamburg - both with traffic jams of 22 kilometers.

Second wave of travelers in sight

After the first peak of travel waves during the summer holidays, the next one is already in sight. According to the ADAC, there will be similar congestion in about two weeks around the Feast of the Assumption. At the end of August and the beginning of September, the high season is over, but there will still be heavy traffic. "Bavarian vacationers are taking advantage of the lower prices then," said Alexander Kreipl, traffic expert for the ADAC in Southern Bavaria. The best times to start your vacation are between the major waves and, if possible, during the week.

Traffic also heavy at airports and train stations

Airports are currently experiencing high traffic: The Munich airport expects over six million passengers during the summer holidays. Additional staff were deployed, it was reported.

Trains are expected to be crowded during the holiday weekends and at the end of the holidays. The German Railways (DB) advised travelers to inform themselves before buying tickets and to reserve seats. "IC connections can be good alternatives to the fast ICE trains," said a DB spokesperson.

  1. Despite the predicted busiest weekend of the year, initial air traffic in Munich showed no signs of chaos, according to the ADAC.
  2. The journey from Baden-Württemberg to Bavaria during the summer vacation saw relatively smooth traffic, although issues were expected.
  3. The bad news arrived on Sunday, with reports of traffic jams across Germany, particularly on the A8 towards Salzburg and A5 near Karlsruhe.
  4. Tourism in Bavaria during the summer holiday season has led to heavy traffic on the Tauern-, Fernpass-, Inntal-, Brenner-, Karawanken-, Pyhrn- and Gotthard-Routes.
  5. The automobile industry in Hamburg and Berlin contributed to the traffic on their respective highways, leading to long wait times and congestion.
  6. Bad Aibling in Bavaria experienced traffic jams of over eight kilometers, making it one of the worst-affected areas during the weekend.
  7. The crowded A5 near Karlsruhe and A1 near Osnabrück saw ten and twelve kilometers of traffic standstill respectively, causing major disruptions in travel.
  8. In order to handle the increased traffic during the summer vacation, additional staff were deployed at the Munich airport to ensure smooth operations.
  9. The automobile industry in Germany plays a significant role in contributing to the traffic congestion during holiday seasons, especially on highways surrounding larger cities.
  10. Considering the high traffic during summer vacation in Germany, travelers planning their journey should consider alternative modes of transport, such as IC connections, to minimize delays and wait times.

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