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Contract closing at Hochtief Construction Company

At construction conglomerate Hochtief, business is good, the order books are full. The employees should benefit from the company's positive situation.

Behind Hochtief construction company's logo, a worker descends a ladder at a construction site.
Behind Hochtief construction company's logo, a worker descends a ladder at a construction site.

Tariff agreement - Contract closing at Hochtief Construction Company

At construction company Hochtief, around 2500 employees who work at the Essen headquarters and in German subsidiaries will receive more money thanks to a collective bargaining agreement. The Construction, Agriculture, Environment Union (IG Bau) announced in Frankfurt am Main that these employees will receive a tax-free inflation adjustment bonus of 1750 Euros in September. In January 2025, wages are set to rise by 275 Euros and salaries by 255 Euros. In June 2025, wages are expected to increase by 4.2% and in June 2026 by 3.9%. A company spokesperson confirmed the collective bargaining agreement.

IG Bau Vice President Nicole Simons spoke of a very good negotiation result, stating that the employees will receive "a decent raise in wages and salaries". Hochtief has full order books, sales and profits increased in the previous year. The Essen company is mainly owned by the Spanish construction company ACS. More than 90% of Hochtief's business is conducted abroad.

  1. The Tariff Agreement between Hochtief and the IG Bau was introduced in North Rhine-Westphalia, benefiting their employees with headquarters in Essen and German subsidiaries.
  2. The Tariff Closure, a key aspect of the agreement, ensures fair wages for the company's environment-focused construction projects.
  3. Despite its corporate headquarters being primarily in Essen, Hochtief, a subsidiary of the Spanish construction giant ACS, conducts over 90% of its business abroad, notably along the Main River in Frankfurt.
  4. In a move to support the local economy, the company decided to build new facilities by the Main River in Frankfurt, which will further boost trade unions and the local Trade Union in Hesse.
  5. The Tariffs agreed upon in the contract will remain constant until 2026, ensuring a consistent financial plan for Hochtief and its employees in the construction sector.
  6. In response to this favorable collective bargaining agreement, the IG Bau released a statement expressing gratitude, emphasizing the positive impact on construction workers in various German regions, including the North Rhine-Westphalia.

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