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Contending proposals to broaden or restrict abortion access will feature on Nebraska's November electoral lineup

Nebraskans will face two opposing abortion-related proposals, aiming either to broaden existing abortion permissions or restrict them to the present 12-week gestational limit. This scenario could potentially result in increased voter turnout in a state holding the potential to contribute one of...

Crowds assemble at the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln, demonstrating against a proposed abortion...
Crowds assemble at the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln, demonstrating against a proposed abortion restriction on May 16, 2023.

Contending proposals to broaden or restrict abortion access will feature on Nebraska's November electoral lineup

Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen declared on Friday that both opposing initiatives managed to collect sufficient signatures, reaching the minimum threshold needed, thereby positioning Nebraska as the first state since 2022, following the US Supreme Court's annulment of Roe v. Wade, to feature dual abortion-related amendments on the same November ballot.

Nebraska now follows various other states in finalizing an abortion-related ballot proposal, including key swing states like Arizona and Nevada. Other states, including Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, and South Dakota, also plan to put forward similar initiatives. New York, however, boasts a proposal that advocates claim will serve to safeguard access, though it avoids mentioning abortion specifically.

Last month, campaign organizers for the competing initiatives revealed they had gathered significantly more signatures than the roughly 123,000 needed.

The first proposed initiative, similar to those present in other states, strives to secure the right to an abortion up to the point of fetal viability or beyond, should the mother's health be at risk. Organizers submitted over 207,000 signatures.

The second measure seeks to codify Nebraska's 12-week abortion ban, with exceptions for rape, incest, or to preserve the mother's life. Organizers submitted over 205,000 signatures for this initiative.

Evnen confirmed that his office had validated more than 136,000 signatures.

It's plausible that voters may endorse both proposals, although due to their competitive nature, only the one receiving the most "yes" votes will be enacted, according to Evnen's statements.

No petitions were submitted for the third initiative, which aimed to effectively outlaw abortion at any stage of pregnancy and recognize embryos as individuals.

Post-Roe's overturning, majority Republican-led states have enforced some form of abortion ban, halting a half-century of constitutional rights to abortion in the US. However, supporters of abortion rights have successfully challenged all seven previously proposed ballot initiatives since 2022 at the state level.

This trend mirrors growing public sentiment favorable to abortion rights, as indicated by recent statistics, like the one from the Associated Press-NORC survey that revealed 60% of Americans believe their state should permit a woman to legally obtain an abortion if she chooses.

Currently, 14 states prohibit abortion entirely, save for specific exceptions, while others impose bans after around six weeks, a period before many women realize their pregnancy. Nebraska and North Carolina are part of the eight states that implement bans starting at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

In Nebraska, the debate over abortion could significantly impact the 2nd Congressional District races for both the House and presidency.

The House race between Republican Rep. Don Bacon and his Democratic opponent, state Sen. Tony Vargas, is considered a tight contest, with Bacon prevailing over Vargas in 2022 by a mere 2.9% margin. Moreover, Vargas has managed to outraise Bacon during this campaign by $300,000 and holds a significant funding advantage, according to recent campaign finance reports.

In the presidential election, increased voter turnout could potentially help Vice President Kamala Harris secure Nebraska's sole electoral vote. Nebraska, like two other states, distributes its electoral votes, despite its strong Republican leaning at the state level. Historically, the Omaha district has successfully awarded its electoral vote to Democratic presidential candidates, as seen in Barack Obama's 2008 win and Joe Biden's 2020 victory.

The political landscape in Nebraska becomes intriguing with both abortion-related initiatives securing enough signatures, as politics often revolve around divisive issues such as this. If both proposals garner enough votes, the one with the most "yes" votes will be enacted, highlighting the importance of public opinion in politics.

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