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Consumer protection: Many complaints about glass fiber

Saxony-Anhalt will advance in fiber-optic construction. In the coming years, all households can be connected. This results in partly aggressive advertising.

Consumer protection in Sachsen-Anhalt register complaints about glass fiber build-up in the state...
Consumer protection in Sachsen-Anhalt register complaints about glass fiber build-up in the state (archive image)

Fiberglass Construction - Consumer protection: Many complaints about glass fiber

At the Consumer Center, there are currently many complaints about fiber-optic cable installation. This year, 28 complaints and corresponding tips have been processed, the Consumer Center stated upon request. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Initially, the focus was on advertising for fiber-optic offers. Some consumers found this advertising to be quite aggressive. For instance, there have been repeated intrusive visits from telecommunications providers' sales representatives.

Later, problems related to concluded contracts emerged. The current biggest issue is delays in the rollout, missed delivery deadlines, unsuccessful deadlines, or ignored cancellation or withdrawal notices.

Germany-wide, Germany is in last place in fiber-optic cable rollout

In Sachsen-Anhalt, there is currently intense advertising for fiber-optic cable installation in many places. According to the plans of Infrastructure Minister Lydia Hüskens (FDP), all households and businesses are to be connected to the fiber-optic network by 2030. The Ministry launched a large-scale advertising campaign for this in the spring. According to the Broadband Atlas Germany, a fast fiber-optic connection is currently available in only one in every two households in Sachsen-Anhalt. Nationwide, the figure is 74%. Sachsen-Anhalt is in the bottom position in terms of fiber-optic availability alongside Thuringia.

Consumer Center tips

  1. The Consumer Protection regulations in Saxony-Anhalt urge telecommunication companies to handle customer complaints about fiber-optic cable installation more effectively.
  2. A common complaint at the Consumer Center involves issues with the fiberglass construction of the fiber-optic cables, affecting the reliability and speed of the Internet connection.
  3. Using a computer, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Center if you've encountered problems with your fiber-optic cable installation, such as delays or non-compliance with the contract.
  4. The Infrastructure Ministry in Saxony-Anhalt is promoting the expansion of fiber-optic infrastructure by encouraging telecommunications companies to use advanced fiberglass construction methods, promoting better telecommunication services.
  5. The fiber-optic cabling infrastructure in Saxony-Anhalt, primarily made from glass fibers, is critical for future advancements in telecommunication and internet services, resulting in better connectivity for consumers and businesses.

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