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Construction sites increase risk of congestion during holidays

Autobahn construction sites remain in operation during the holidays. Patience is required.

Construction sites on highways remain operational during vacation periods and increase the risk of...
Construction sites on highways remain operational during vacation periods and increase the risk of traffic jams

traffic - Construction sites increase risk of congestion during holidays

Construction sites on many autobahns in Berlin and Brandenburg increase risk of congestion during the vacation season. The Nordost-Branch of the Federal Autobahn GmbH in Hohen Neuendorf announced high traffic congestion at the beginning of the vacation. However, larger construction projects could not be halted during the summer vacation, it was stated. The summer vacation begins in Berlin and Brandenburg on July 18.

In particular, on the already heavily congested Berlin Ring (A10), there are numerous roadworks, for example between Werder and Groß Kreutz, between Erkner and Spreeau, at the Hellersdorf interchange, and other areas. In Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, there are also construction works on the A2, A20, and A24. A construction site also affects the A100 between Spandauer Damm and the Funkturm interchange towards Neukölln.

In large cities like Berlin, traffic volume in the summer vacation is lower due to the smaller number of commuters, according to the Autobahn-Gesellschaft. "Therefore, construction projects are sometimes deliberately scheduled in this time to reduce the possible dust load for the most part of the year."

Motorists need patience on the autobahns this weekend, according to ADAC, as many federal states are already on vacation and more are joining. The A100 and parts of the A10 are considered the most heavily used autobahns in Germany, according to the Autobahn-Gesellschaft.

  1. Despite the vacation time starting in Berlin and Brandenburg on July 18, larger construction projects cannot be halted during the summer vacation, as stated.
  2. Motorists should be aware of the construction site on the A100 between Spandauer Damm and the Funkturm interchange towards Neukölln, which may cause additional traffic congestion during their vacations.
  3. Travelling through Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern during your vacation could also mean encountering construction works on the A2, A20, and A24.
  4. Despite lower traffic volume in Berlin during the vacation due to fewer commuters, construction sites on the autobahns in Brandenburg, such as the Nordost-Branch in Hohen Neuendorf, may still lead to stoppages and congestion, particularly on heavily congested roads like the Berlin Ring (A10).

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