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Constant rain subsides in the south; no complete relief yet.

Flooding updates in real-time.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.
Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Constant rain subsides in the south; no complete relief yet.

In regions hit by flooding in southern Germany, the German Meteorological Service (DWD) foresees a slight respite from the rainfall. A DWD meteorologist stated, "We won't experience the excessive rainfall quantities like last night anymore." However, fresh showers and thunderstorms are making their way from the north, which might bring about local flooding, especially on Sunday afternoon. These showers may be quite intense and move slowly. "If any of these hit the already saturated ground, flooding will ensue," the meteorologist explained. The Swabian Alb, regions north of it, and the areas surrounding Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg are at the highest risk of experiencing this phenomenon.

22:25 Disaster status declared in FreisingAs the Freising county has reached its peak in flood hazards, it has declared a state of disaster due to overflowing rivers and creeks. The county administration warned in the evening that the Amper and Glonn rivers may reach record levels. The county anticipates massive flooding in the town of Hohenkammer and in every settlement along the Amper. Citizens have been advised to prepare for catastrophic situations and, for instance, empty their basements. Presently, ten Bavarian counties have declared disaster status.

21:50 Dillingen district declares disaster status as wellThe Dillingen district in Bavaria has now also adopted a disaster response following persistent rainfall. The district administration announced in the evening that the state of the Zusam, a tributary of the Danube, had deteriorated considerably. The local crisis team is reaching out to the Bundeswehr for aid. Experts predict a 100-year flood on the small river, potentially affecting the neighboring towns of Buttenwiesen and Wertingen. Meanwhile, officials are planning to release excess water from the overflowing Danube into the Riedstrom, the natural floodplain of the river. Farmers are being urged to secure their livestock in safe stables.

21:09 Eight Bavarian counties declare disastersThe Neuburg-Schrobenhausen area in Bavaria has become the eighth county to declare a disaster because of rising river water levels. The county's administration shared in the evening that both the Danube and its tributaries are expanding. The Water Management Office in Ingolstadt predicts a level 4 at the Neuburg gauge. The situation is significantly more serious at the Paar, a Danube tributary, and at the Weilach creek, which flows into the Paar. In the Mühlried town of the Schrobenhausen region, the Weilach has already reached its banks and flooded a residential area. Rescue teams are preparing to evacuate residents, as District Administrator Peter von der Grün stated. The situation is particularly critical in the southern part of the region. von der Grün highlighted that protecting roadways, bridges, and shoulders is a top priority. "Without that, the fire brigade can't continue to be used for rescue operations."

20:34 Distressing Scenario: Red Cross Rescues People from Roof with Helicopter

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) has helicoptered two persons off the roof of their residence in Babenhausen. According to a BRK spokesperson, they were in a potentially fatal situation. Their house in Unterallgäu district was at risk of cave-ins due to immense water volumes. Additionally, people were also saved from their homes using inflatable vessels. The rescue units have brought more than 100 individuals to safety - including numerous children.

20:13 People in various sites near Augsburg instructed to leave their dwellings

Rescue squads had to liberate people from their vehicles. Some car occupants couldn't open their doors as the water masses had swelled. Such a precarious scenario can rapidly transform into a fatal one given the strong current and escalating water levels inside the vehicles.

In numerous towns within the Augsburg region, individuals have been ordered to leave their homes and flats owing to the imminent flooding. The situation is forecasted to intensify during the evening, according to an Augsburg district authority representative. Apprehensive communities include Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the entire community of Nordendorf. The Swabia division has established an emergency shelter at the Augsburg fairgrounds.

19:48 Bundeswehr aids flood-stricken regions in BavariaBundeswehr troops are assisting with the flooding situation in Bavaria. "The Bundeswehr is aiding the Gunzburg and Aichach-Friedberg districts, as both have filed requisitions," said a Bavarian Army Command spokesperson to Antenne Bayern radio. "Near Gunzburg, linens and mattresses are being handed out. In the Aichach-Friedberg district, approximately 50 female and male Bundeswehr members are expected to arrive within the next few hours. In addition, two Bundeswehr troop carriers are currently operational."

19:20 Faeser commits to further supportFaeser promised further assistance to these flood-stricken regions.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser of the Federal Republic of Germany promises additional aid for regions in the south of the country affected by flooding. The Technical Relief Organization (THW) has deployed additional rescuers across the nation due to heavy rains and the imminent threat of flooding. She announced that THW emergency personnel will continue to support the hard-hit states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg with all available resources. There are currently 520 helpers from the THW assisting in the effort. These individuals have been involved in rescuing people, reinforcing dikes, and removing water through pumping operations. In addition, the minister expressed her gratitude toward all the rescue teams working endlessly to save lives and stabilize the situation. She advised those residing in the flood zones of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to heed the warnings and instructions of authorities. "Please take these warnings extremely seriously!"

Unfortunately, there have been 29 mountain climbers stranded at Zugspitze in need of assistance. They have been safely escorted to the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin at Zugspitzplatt by the mountain rescue team. Due to bad weather and fresh fallen snow at approximately 2500 meters above sea level, which is around 900 meters before Sonnalpin, further advancement was hindered. Employees from the Zugspitzbahn have mobilized snow groomers to aid in the search.

A severe weather warning has been issued by the German Meteorological Service (DWD) for specific regions in Brandenburg, including Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, and Oder-Spree. For the next few hours, the DWD anticipates possible lightning strikes, falling trees or power lines, falling objects, swift flooding, landslides, or hail.

A stretch of the A3 Autobahn in Bavaria, near Regensburg, is closed due to flooding. The Autobahn is closed for about ten kilometers between the exits of Parsberg and Beratzhausen in both directions. The pathway is completely submerged, in the words of the Police Presidium of Upper Palatinate. Employees from the Zugspitzbahn, Autobahnmeisterei, Fire Department, and Police have gathered to help solve this issue. Traffic will be diverted.

The prison in Memmingen, Bavaria, has been evacuated due to the risk of flooding. The up to 150 inmates will be briefly relocated to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. The inmate housing is located just yards away from the Memminger Ach - a small river that has now become a massive torrent that poses a risk to the prison. The prison courtyard is already filled with water. This predicament may result in a power outage, which spurred the prison management to instigate an evacuation. Police, the fire department, and other emergency organizations are on-site to assist. The evacuation had to be carried out over waterlogged streets, as the access road was already inundated. The fire department is using pumps to remove the water from the prison.

In the area of Swabia, heavy rain has caused the pegs to reach level 4, which indicates a severe flood. Furthermore, rivers in Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate are swelling. The measures exceeding level 4 include Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), and Fischach (Schmutter). The Regen River in Cham has reached this level in the Upper Palatinate. Hundred-year floods are imminent at Nattenhausen (Guenz) and Dasing (Paar).

The water level at the Wiblingen (Iller) gauge is expected to reach level 3 from Saturday to Sunday. However, the levels are expected to decrease at the Swabian lower Iller. The northern Danube tributaries, including Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmuhl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, are each showing signs of exceedances at individual gauge locations, with rising trends. From Neu-Ulm to Kelheim, water levels are anticipating a rise to level 3 throughout the day, such as in Gunzburg, Donauwörth, and Neuburg. The gauge in Kelheim may achieve level 3 overnight on Sunday. In the remaining section of the Danube River to Passau, increases to levels 1 and 2 are predicted.

Note: All times in this document are 17:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST).

5:23 Normal Flight Activities Maintained at Munich Airport

In spite of the torrential rain in several regions of Bavaria, flight operations at Munich Airport are proceeding as usual. No flights have been canceled thus far. The airport spokesperson, Robert Wilhelm, shared this information with BR. The airport's location is a contributing factor as it's slightly elevated. Additionally, the runway is slanted toward the sides, allowing for effective drainage of water. Not only that, the runways are also grooved, which hastens water drainage. Therefore, there's no risk of aquaplaning, he stated to the Bavarian broadcaster. The airport anticipates no major challenges over the remainder of the weekend.

5:07 Söder: "We're Really About to Kick Off"

Bavaria's Minister President, Markus Söder, is getting a first-hand look at the situation in the district greatly affected by the storm in Diedorf, part of the Augsburg area. He expresses his gratitude to the helpers and authorities there. In his presence, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, Söder lauds Bavaria for its resilience. However, the citizens are facing an "extreme burden," according to the minister president. The storm's center is now in Swabia, prompting a redeployment of resources like sandbags. Addressing the rescue services such as fire department, Red Cross, police, and THW (Technical Relief Organization), Söder commends their commendable service. Appealing to the citizens, he urges adherence to the rules, adding that one should adhere to evacuation orders and not attempt to drive vehicles out of garages.

4:35 No More Trains Here

The storm and floods in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are causing disruptions and cancellations in the railway system of South Germany. DB (Deutsche Bahn) communicates a spokeswoman stating that the two ICE lines between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich won't have any trains running all day on Saturday due to the flooding. The Ulm-Augsburg line is also affected. Information on track closures, cancellations, and delays is available on the Bahn website.

4:12 Disaster Situation Also in Unterallgau - Residents in Peril Should Hang White Cloth

The disaster situation has escalated to cover the Bavarian district of Unterallgau. In the town of Babenhausen, part of the mobile network has failed. Persons in need who can't make emergency calls are requested to hang a white sheet or cloth out of their windows or visibly demonstrate their predicament for aid. In Babenhausen, people are being rescued from their homes using inflatable boats.

4:05 400 THW Forces Enlisted in South Germany

In the context of the storms raging south Germany, approximately 400 THW (Technical Relief Organization) individuals are currently in action. The THW Bonn shares this information. They're engaged in pumping water, securing dams, and assisting in evacuations. The THW emphasizes its preparedness to deploy additional forces as needed. The THW will also install mobile flood gauges and monitor them in the affected regions. As the forecast predicts more rain and potential floods in the following hours, it's prepared to deploy additional THW personnel. Teams include about 40 THW members each, sporting three sewage pumps, a power source, a reconnaissance vehicle, and a command post - each team can pump up to 30,000 liters of water per minute.

3:57 Interactive Map: All Flood Warnings in One Place

This interactive map showcases all current flood warnings. Refresh the map for updated information.

3:40 Mountain Climbing Group of 26 Stranded Below Zugspitze

A group of 26 mountain climbers is stranded several hundred meters below the summit of Zugspitze. BR reports that approximately 60 centimeters of new snow has accumulated on the peak in the past few hours, while heavy rain falls in the valley. Temperatures are below freezing, and visibility is about 100 meters. Rescue teams have been dispatched to locate the climbers in the blizzard. The climbers are tired and likely inadequately equipped. Unclear is why they tried to climb the Zugspitze despite the extreme forecast.

3:15 Request for Disaster Situation in Donau Ries District

The Donau-Ries district in Bavaria has requested a disaster situation response. This measure is intended to "pool all forces more quickly and perform preparations more efficiently for the impending water levels" as explained by the District Administrator, Stefan Roßle. "It's crucial to remain calm and avoid low-lying areas as much as possible" Roßle adds.

In the Swabian region of Augsburg, a dam and a dike have failed. The local administration reported this news. People living in specific areas of the town of Diedorf are required to leave their homes. The authorities are getting ready for an evacuation in the Diedorf district of Anhausen, as the Augsburg administration has announced. "It is no longer satisfactory to move to higher floors," they stated. In Burgwalden, a dam has burst and a dike at the Anhauser Weiher has collapsed. All residents of the affected regions are urged to exit their residences immediately within the next hour and go to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle independently. The officials also demand that people avoid railway underpasses. There is a threat to life.

Söder and Herrmann fly to the flood area

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann are headed to the flooded region in the Swabian district of Augsburg on Saturday. The two CSU party members want to witness firsthand the progression of the flood conditions in Diedorf, as the Interior Ministry revealed. District Administrator Martin Sailer will also attend. The visit's location was abruptly changed due to the current circumstances. Earlier, the officials wished to visit the also gravely impacted Fischach. In Diedorf, evacuations of residents are currently being organized. Due to the rainfall, the flood crisis is acutely severe in Swabia. Following the district of Günzburg, the districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg have now specified a catastrophe.

Flood situation in Meckenbeuren worsens

The water level of the Schussen in Meckenbeuren in the Bodenseekreis is growing more intense. In the afternoon, the level soared to 4.72 meters, according to a town hall spokesperson. It is hoped that the peak will be attained soon. During the last flood in 2021, the river reached 4.50 meters. Typically, it houses only 45 centimeters of water. On Friday night, the municipality with 14,000 inhabitants urged around 1,300 people to depart their homes preemptively. Most of them sought shelter with friends or family. Only a few people opted for the emergency shelter. To prevent potential harm from flooding, schools, kindergartens, and halls were cleared out in advance. Within the district, bridges were also blocked early.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

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