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Conservatives are boiling over with Thatcher's departure from the scene

Conservatives are boiling over with Thatcher's departure from the scene

Margaret Thatcher's image at Downing Street's No. 10 has caused a stir among Tory supporters recently. According to "Telegraph" and "Daily Mail," the portrait of the former British Prime Minister (1979-1990), famously known as the 'Iron Lady,' has vanished from its spot. The painting, previously hung in the Thatcher Room, has been a highlight for her supporters even over a decade after her demise due to her hardline approach to social policies.

The current Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, was implied by his biographer, Tom Baldwin, to be the one who removed the gold-framed painting, as reported by "Guardian" citing sources from "Number 10." Starmer had expressed before that the portrait unsettled him and he would likely remove it.

Such decision sparked disapproval among ex-Home Secretary Priti Patel and former Tory minister John Redwood, who criticized Starmer for prioritizing cosmetic changes over serving the country. Patel, running for the Conservative Party's leadership, commented, "It's clear his priority is not serving the country but just tinkering with portraits and hiding behind former conservative leaders." Redwood deemed Starmer's policies as detrimental to the country.

The artwork was commissioned by Brown

The painting, created by artist Richard Stone, shows Thatcher in 1982, symbolizing her triumph over Argentina in the Falkland War. Former Prime Minister and social democrat Gordon Brown, similar to Starmer, ordered the artwork in 2009 and it was placed in Downing Street. The £100,000 (around €200,000 today) expense was covered by an anonymous donor.

Edinburgh Secretary Jacqui Smith defended the portrait's place in Downing Street, stating that Starmer was more focused on resolving country's issues than fixing the location of portraits. Smith shared with LBC, "Prime Minister is probably more interested in addressing problems to ensure the country runs smoothly than worrying about where portraits are placed."

The Commission, led by Gordon Brown, was responsible for commissioning the gold-framed portrait of Margaret Thatcher in 2009. Despite the recent removal of the painting, Edinburgh Secretary Jacqui Smith argued that the Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, is more concerned with resolving country issues instead of altering the location of portraits.

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