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Conservative advocate causes unease among Republican ranks

Trump expresses that he does not endorse and has no influence over QAnon's beliefs.
Trump expresses that he does not endorse and has no influence over QAnon's beliefs.

Conservative advocate causes unease among Republican ranks

In Donald Trump's circle, the notorious figure Laura Loomer, recognized for her controversial and discriminatory comments, has been spotted frequently. Known for her racist and homophobic rants, she accompanied Trump to a television debate in Philadelphia and sat on his private aircraft while he flew to New York for the 9/11 memorial, where she was also seen by his side.

As Trump's Republican campaign endeavors to appeal to more moderate and undecided voters, the 78-year-old associates with a young woman who broadcasts anti-Islam perspectives and previously suggested that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" orchestrated by the US government.

Before the debate, the 31-year-old posted on an online platform that if a candidate of Indian and African American descent wins the election on November 5, "there will be a scent of curry in the White House."

Even seasoned Republicans who have made a name for themselves with incendiary remarks spoke out against this comment. "It's revolting and incredibly prejudiced," said Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. Such episodes do not reflect the values "we Republicans and MAGA stand for."

Senator criticizes division among Republicans

The senator from North Carolina, Thom Tillis, stated on the platform that Loomer is "a delusional conspiracy theorist who frequently spews filth to divide Republicans." A political adversary could not have crafted a better strategy to harm Trump's re-election prospects.

Trump remained indifferent to the party's uproar. "I have no control over Laura. Laura should be free to express herself. She's a free spirit," he said. Later, he wrote on his social platform that he does not concur with her views - but it's disheartening to witness how she is defamed by "radical Marxists and fascists" like her.

Loomer has experienced meteoric success as a self-proclaimed "proud Islamophobe" in recent years, labeling Islam as "cancer," expressing joy over migrant deaths in the Mediterranean, and spreading homophobic and racist remarks. In 2020, she unsuccessfully ran for Congress in Florida.

Twitter ban, Musk's approval

After Twitter banned Loomer in 2018 due to her activities, she chained herself to the company's headquarters in New York. The Jewish activist wore a yellow Star of David, similar to the one Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust.

Most online platforms had previously restricted Loomer's access. However, following tech billionaire Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, which is now known as X, Loomer was permitted to post again and shared her hateful and conspiracy-laden messages to her 1.3 million followers. After Trump's narrow survived an assassination attempt on July 13, Loomer speculated that US President Joe Biden was somehow involved. A video from last year shows her with Trump at his golf club in New Jersey, where he praised her as a "strongly opinionated woman." The White House simply stated that no political leader should associate with someone who spreads "such poisonous hatred."

In the anticipation of the US presidential election of 2024, Trump's association with Loomer could pose a challenge to his campaign, given her controversial views and divisive statements. Despite being criticized by fellow Republicans and banned from multiple platforms, Loomer continues to find support, this time from tech billionaire Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter and allowed her back on the platform.

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