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Conflict of interest for France's justice minister?

France's Justice Minister Dupond-Moretti is accused of exploiting his office to settle old disputes. The minister does not consider himself guilty. A verdict is now to be reached in the proceedings.

Éric Dupond-Moretti(M), Minister of Justice of France, arrives at court. The minister has to
Éric Dupond-Moretti(M), Minister of Justice of France, arrives at court. The minister has to answer for alleged conflicts of interest and abuse of

Conflict of interest for France's justice minister?

France's Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti is facing a potentially momentous verdict in the trial over an alleged conflict of interest. Because when the Court of Justice of the Republic decides this afternoon whether to acquit or convict him, the minister's political future will also be directly at stake. If he is convicted, he would probably have to leave the cabinet.

The question in the proceedings is whether Dupond-Moretti exploited his position as Minister of Justice to settle disputes from his time as a lawyer. Specifically, it concerns administrative proceedings against a judge and three senior officials in the judicial system, which Dupond-Moretti is alleged to have ordered. The prosecution accuses him of a conflict of interest that jeopardized his impartiality as a minister. It is demanding one year's probation. The minister faces a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of 500,000 euros.

Dupond-Moretti vehemently denies the accusations made by judges and public prosecutors and is insisting on an acquittal. Observers believe that the minister is acting as if nothing is wrong. He let questions about possible consequences that he wanted to draw from the verdict go unanswered.

The trial is considered a novelty. For the first time, a French minister who is still in his post has to answer to the Court of Justice of the Republic. The court is exclusively responsible for misconduct by ministers in the performance of their duties.

Dupond-Moretti's political future is at stake

For Dupond-Moretti, the trial is primarily about his political future. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne had made it clear that the rule applies: anyone who is convicted must leave the government. Almost two years ago, the French Minister for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Alain Griset, was convicted - and subsequently resigned.

But what exactly happens after the verdict is unclear. The blustering Dupond-Moretti will probably be extremely reluctant to leave and could still appeal to the Court of Cassation anyway. Rumor has it that he will try anything to stay in office if the sentence is light. However, outrage - especially from the judiciary - would be inevitable.

For French President Emmanuel Macron, the departure of his justice minister would be a shame, according to the French newspaper "Le Figaro". The liberal head of state has so far held on to the minister, who is considered one of his closest confidants in the cabinet and has certainly delivered in office. Macron has waived previous regulations in favor of Dupond-Moretti. He was allowed to remain in a government reshuffle, even though an investigation was already underway against him. Even when an investigation was opened, he was not removed from office. An interim minister was not even appointed for the duration of the trial.

  1. Regardless of the outcome of the trial, French President Emmanuel Macron might find it difficult to keep Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti in his cabinet if he's convicted, as maintaining him could spark strong criticism from the judicial system.
  2. The judicial processes against Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti have significant implications not only for his personal future but also for the French government and its official policies, as his conviction could potentially trigger a cabinet reshuffle.


