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Conflict in Ukraine: current status

The Ukrainian president is seeking Saudi Arabia's involvement in a peace conference, along with the support of the G7, during his visit to Riyadh. A summary of last night's events and what to expect today.

At the meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince...
At the meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, both discussed the expected results of the peace conference and ways to implement them, according to Zelenskyi.

Russian incursion - Conflict in Ukraine: current status

During the Group of Leading Democratic Industrial Nations (G7) summit, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attempted to get support from Saudi Arabia during a visit.

At a meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, they also discussed preparations for the approaching peace summit in Switzerland, Zelenskyy announced via social media. Zelenskyy was originally planned to travel to Riyadh in early June. However, it was revealed by diplomatic sources that Saudi Arabia wouldn't be participating in the Switzerland summit as Russia wasn't present.

Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude towards bin Salman for his support of Ukraine and mediation efforts. During the meeting, they covered the expected results of the peace conference and potential ways to implement them, Zelenskyy shared. It's still uncertain if Saudi Arabia will actually send a delegation to the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock near Lucerne on June 15th and 16th to attend the summit.

Zelenskyy is scheduled to be in the Italian city of Bari today, where the G7 summit starts. There, he intends on signing a bilateral security agreement with US President Joe Biden. According to Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the negotations have been completed and the document is ready to be signed. Ukraine has already indicated 15 such agreements, including one with Germany.

Saudi Arabia supplies Ukraine with military aid: Lithuania provides 14 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine

As the content of the agreement with the US is still unknown, Lithuania's action is more definite: The Baltic NATO member country will provide further military assistance to Ukraine in its defense against Russia.

The Lithuanian government has decided to provide Ukraine with 14 M113 type armed personal carriers. The personnel carriers are set to arrive in Ukraine this week and will enhance the mine-clearing abilities of the Ukrainian army, the Lithuanian Defense Ministry stated.

Many dead in Russian rocket attack on Kryvyj Rih

Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian war of aggression for more than two years. At least eight individuals were killed and over 20 were injured in a Russian rocket assault on the Ukrainian industrial city of Kryvyj Rih, local media disclosed.

"Every day and every hour underscores the necessity for Ukraine, along with its partners, to heighten its air defense," wrote Zelenskyy on social media. He conveyed sympathy to the families of the victims in his native town and reaffirmed the demand for a cutting-edge air defense system.

Near-daily shelling of Ukrainian cities by the Russian army causes civilian casualties. Firefighting efforts in Kiev, initiated by a Russian rocket assault in the morning, concluded only at night. And the front-line situation remains challenging, according to the Ukrainian military intelligence service.

The commencement of the Russian summer offensive is evident. The Ukrainian General Staff stated about 90 larger battles along the front line in their evening situation update. Heaviest fighting is happening in the Donetsk region's Pokrovsk area, where Russian troops have been gaining ground in recent weeks.

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In Finland, under the backdrop of recent Russian provocations, the foreign ministers of the Baltic Sea Council are meeting for consultations. At the Porvoo gathering near the capital Helsinki, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is also present.

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