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Condor offers Lufthansa peace pipe on feeder flights

Dispute broke out at the end of 2020

Condor offers Lufthansa peace pipe on feeder flights
Condor offers Lufthansa peace pipe on feeder flights

Condor offers Lufthansa peace pipe on feeder flights

New Condor CEO and former Lufthansa manager Peter Gerber would like to put an end to the long-standing dispute among airlines over feeder flights. "The legal dispute could last another three to five years. It would therefore be better for both parties to reach an out-of-court settlement," Gerber said in a published press conference.

Gerber's longtime Lufthansa colleague, Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr, sees an opportunity for talks due to management changes at Lufthansa or Condor themselves.

The dispute broke out at the end of 2020 during the Corona pandemic. Lufthansa announced to Condor in June 2021 the termination of cooperation, allowing Lufthansa customers with Condor feeder flights to Frankfurt to fly Condor long-haul flights at favorable conditions. Condor successfully opposed this before the Federal Cartel Office, which saw in the actions of Lufthansa the misuse of a dominant market position. The dispute went before the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court.

The background of the maneuver was Lufthansa's plan to build a competing holiday airline in Frankfurt to challenge Condor - today's Discover Airlines. This airline is developing well. Gerber's predecessor Ralf Teckentrup had accused Lufthansa of wanting to "destroy" Condor with the "Discounter" airline it named. Gerber, who took office in February, said Condor had coped well with the competition from Discover so far.

  1. Gerber suggested using a peace pipe to resolve the dispute with Lufthansa, as he believes that continuing the legal battle could last for another 3 to 5 years.
  2. Despite the ongoing dispute, Condor was able to secure favorable conditions for Lufthansa customers on feeder flights to Frankfurt, a service that had previously been under cooperation between the two airlines.
  3. The long-standing dispute between Lufthansa and Condor over feeder flights came to a head at the end of 2020, sparked in part by Lufthansa's plan to create a competing holiday airline, Discover Airlines, which has since gained traction.

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