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Compulsory military service is under renewed consideration as a necessary measure.

Guidance for Individuals of All Genders

Högl sees the introduction of compulsory service as a task for the next federal government.
Högl sees the introduction of compulsory service as a task for the next federal government.

Compulsory military service is under renewed consideration as a necessary measure.

Defense Minister Pistorius aims to attract youth to the Bundeswehr by combining obligatory service and voluntary work. Is this feasible? The Defense Legislative Representative of the Bundestag, Högl, views this proposed military service framework as a stepping stone.

According to the Defense Legislative Representative of the Bundestag, Eva Högl, a commitment in military service is crucial. "Volunteer work holds importance, but there should also be a long-term dedication," Högl stated in response to whether a mere conscription followed by volunteering would be adequate. "Every member of our society should make a contribution."

Högl pointed to the Swedish model as a benchmark. Conscription should be implemented for all, but not for an entire age group, rather for a select portion from those who have opted for military service. If the number of volunteers falls short, "it must be mandatory," Högl continued. "I stand in agreement with Boris Pistorius on that."

Pistorius unveiled his plans for a revamped military service model this week. The SPD politician plans to reinstate recruitment evaluations, which were ceased 13 years ago. Additionally, he aims to have young men respond to questions regarding their readiness and capacity to serve, and subject them to conscription selection. Whether they can be drafted against their will remains undecided.

Högl shares Pistorius' belief that initially, the obligation to answer the questionnaire would be sufficient – after that, many would volunteer for military service, thereby ensuring personnel for the Bundeswehr. According to surveys, a substantial majority of Germans support the reintroduction of conscription, Högl stated. In the long run, a compulsory year of service for both men and women is essential. "This fosters unity and benefits each individual," Högl said. Service in the Bundeswehr would constitute a part of this. Others could serve their year in the social sector, climate protection, monument preservation, or other domains, Högl added. Amending the constitution to enable this cannot be achieved during this legislative term. Högl suggested addressing this in the subsequent legislative term as soon as possible.

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