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Commerzbank responded calmly to Unicredit's unexpected intrusion

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Commercial Bank shows restraint in response to unexpected appearance of UniCredit
Commercial Bank shows restraint in response to unexpected appearance of UniCredit

Commerzbank responded calmly to Unicredit's unexpected intrusion

Commerzbank carefully acknowledges Unicredit's unexpected intervention. "We've taken note of Unicredit's announcement today concerning their stake in Commerzbank," the German entity declared on a Wednesday, following several hours after Unicredit's move got revealed to the public.

"This event also underscores the importance of Commerzbank and its advancements," they continued. "Our board and supervisory board will persist in serving the best interests of all our shareholders, along with our workers and clients." Commerzbank chose to remain silent on the topic beyond this statement.**

The unexpected intervention by Unicredit led to a significant entry in Commerzbank's record of events. The board and supervisory board of Commerzbank remain committed to serving the interests of all shareholders, employees, and clients, regardless of this development.

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