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Colombia Experiences Unprecedented Levels of Environmental Activist Liquidations

In the Colombian context, a staggering 79 climate advocates met their end during the preceding...
In the Colombian context, a staggering 79 climate advocates met their end during the preceding year. (Symbolic image)

Colombia Experiences Unprecedented Levels of Environmental Activist Liquidations

In 2023, approximately 196 environmental advocates lost their lives globally, as per a report released by the non-profit organization, Global Witness. The riskiest area for individuals defending environmental preservation and land rights continues to be Latin America. Close to 85% of the reported incidents took place in this region, with the majority occurring in Colombia, Brazil, Honduras, and Mexico.

Columbia saw a staggering 79 environmental activists murdered last year, which is the highest number recorded in a single country since the initial report in 2012. In Brazil, 25 individuals were slain for their activism, while Honduras recorded the highest rate of murder among environmental activists, even claiming the lives of a father and his 15-year-old son.

The Philippines continued to be the most hazardous environment for environmental protesters in Asia, resulting in 17 deaths in 2023. The kidnapping of activists also seems to be on the rise in this region. Africa reported four murders of environmental activists by Global Witness, although the actual number is likely much higher due to insufficient access to information.

Global Witness Accuses EU, UK, and US of Excessive Surveillance

Global Witness voiced concerns regarding the rise in strict surveillance and punishment of environmental and climate protesters in the EU, UK, and US. Activists in the EU now face "excessive" levels of surveillance, while penalties for protests have been increased in both the UK and US.

Global Witness urged governments worldwide to take immediate action to safeguard environmental activists, who play a vital role in promoting the collective good. "We cannot afford and should not condone the loss of more lives," stated report author Laura Furones.

The EU, UK, and US are under criticism from Global Witness for implementing excessive surveillance and increasing penalties towards environmental and climate protesters. The Commission, being a part of the EU, is urged to intervene and protect environmental activists, as they are crucial in promoting collective good and preserving our environment.

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