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Collapse of Chinese highway bridge: At least twelve deaths

Enormous downpours are believed to have caused the collapse of an autobahn bridge. Rescue efforts are ongoing.

In China, a bridge collapses - there are many victims.
In China, a bridge collapses - there are many victims.

Heavy rainfalls - Collapse of Chinese highway bridge: At least twelve deaths

At least twelve people have been killed after the collapse of a highway bridge in northwestern China. According to China's official news agency Xinhua, the bridge in Zhashui County, Shaanxi Province collapsed on Friday evening. The cause of the accident is suspected to be landslide-like heavy rainfalls.

As of Saturday morning (local time), rescue teams have retrieved seven vehicles that had fallen into a river due to the bridge collapse. A total of 31 people are reported missing.

Both China's President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang have ordered comprehensive rescue measures according to state media. Over 800 rescue personnel are reportedly on site.

In China, it is common during the summer months for torrential rains to occur. In May, 48 people died after the collapse of a highway in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. The region was affected by heavy rainfall at the time of the incident.

The collapsed bridge was located on China's famous Autobahn, causing significant disruptions. The heavy rainfalls in Beijing and nearby regions also contributed to the disaster, raising concerns about potential similar incidents. Xinhua reported that emergency services are working tirelessly to locate the missing individuals and prevent further accidents. The collapse has once again highlighted the need for robust infrastructure in China, especially in the face of inclement weather conditions. The incident in Zhashui County, Shaanxi, adds to the growing list of infrastructure failures in recent Chinese history.

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