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Collaborative Arrangement: Maritime CO2 Deposition Initiative Led by Norwegian and French Industries

Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Output

Agreement: Norwegian and French companies plan CO2 storage under the sea
Agreement: Norwegian and French companies plan CO2 storage under the sea

Collaborative Arrangement: Maritime CO2 Deposition Initiative Led by Norwegian and French Industries

Two major players, GRTgaz from France and Equinor hailing from Norway, are teaming up to trap and stash CO2 emitted by industries. The idea is to catch the CO2 in Dunkirk's industrial zone and port, then permanently store it beneath the Norwegian coast as stated by the companies. This move aims to prevent harmful emissions from reaching the atmosphere.

Reports suggest that Dunkirk, a prominent industrial city, is on track to become carbon-neutral by 2029. At present, a significant 20% of France's industrial CO2 emissions originate from Dunkirk. In the future, CO2 will be captured directly from factories and transported via pipelines to safe and permanent sub-ocean storage facilities.

Even Germany's federal government has jumped on the bandwagon, endorsing the debated seabed CO2 storage. As per a legislative proposal, the government aims to facilitate seabed storage while keeping protection areas untouched. Furthermore, the storage will not be an option for emissions stemming from coal-fired power plants.

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