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Clinton reveals intense pressure experienced during Trump's rivalry battle

Moments prior to the TV discussion

Trump and Clinton in the third TV duel in October 2016
Trump and Clinton in the third TV duel in October 2016

Clinton reveals intense pressure experienced during Trump's rivalry battle

In the forthcoming TV duel, Joe Biden and Donald Trump will lock horns. Hillary Clinton, former presidential hopeful, claims Trump harassed her back in 2016. "He kicks off with nonsense, then veers off on tangents," the 76-year-old stated. It's nearly impossible to concentrate on the main topic.

Hillary Clinton doesn't harbor good memories of her TV squabbles against Republican Donald Trump. In anticipation of the highly awaited TV showdown between Trump and current U.S. President Joe Biden, Clinton penned an op-ed for the "New York Times" regarding her own brushes with Trump during the election year 2016. "I'm aware of the stress one experiences when taking the stage, and it's nearly impossible to focus on the nitty-gritty when Mr. Trump is present," Clinton recollected about her encounters way back, when she contested for the Democrats against Trump.

Trump showered an onslaught of "interruptions, insults, and lies" during the 3 TV debates then, according to Clinton. She lamented that the moderators were left dumbfounded, offering ammofor viewers eager to learn about our respective visions for the nation. "It's a waste of time to counter Mr. Trump's claims as if in a normal debate. It's almost impossible to decipher his views," the 76-year-old quipped with a grin. "He starts with nonsense and then meanders off. His behavior has only grown worse in the years that have passed since our debate."

Trump has a habit of interrupting and intimidating, often trying to upstage his rivals. In her case, he went around her on the debate stage in 2016.umping behind his opponent Clinton during a debate and standing menacingly at her back while she spoke her piece. Trump's antics earned a few laughs on the internet back then.

On Thursday evening local time, Trump and Biden will square off on the TV for the first time in the 2020 presidential campaign. Back then, Trump was the sitting president and Biden was the challenger. This time, their roles are reversed.

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