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Clinical trials for masks: Multi-billion-euro stakes involved

Greens criticize Spahn

The start of the pandemic coincided with his term of office: CDU politician Jens Spahn.
The start of the pandemic coincided with his term of office: CDU politician Jens Spahn.

Clinical trials for masks: Multi-billion-euro stakes involved

A Bund confronts potential financial damage of over 2 billion Euro from lawsuits filed by Corona-Mask providers. As per official records, approximately 100 lawsuits from suppliers are currently under trial. Green party representative Audretsch urges the former Health Minister Spahn to provide clarification.

Following reports on potentially massive losses due to disputes over Corona-protective mask deliveries, the Green party in the Bundestag has called for answers from the former Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn. Audretsch stated, "Avoiding the issue and hiding aren't acceptable options." Spahn needs to step up and address the matter. These large sums would significantly impact the budget for future investments.

In response to an inquiry by FDP budget politician Karsten Klein, the Health Ministry revealed that the Federal Government faces substantial financial risks from ongoing disputes over the delivery of protective masks under special pandemic conditions. The total claim value of these ongoing cases stands at around 2.3 billion Euro.

The situation stems from the government's procurement of urgently needed but scarce masks for the healthcare system during the initial phase of the Corona crisis in 2020. To speed up the process, the Ministry adopted a special procedure, where purchase contracts were signed without further negotiations at fixed prices. Later, the Ministry refused to pay, citing quality issues, leading to numerous lawsuits from suppliers and dealers. Criticism was raised later that excessive mask purchases were made.

Audretsch pointed out that the pending 2.3 billion Euro risks are "just the tip of the iceberg." The Federal Court of Auditors had already questioned the processes in their reports in 2021 and 2024, highlighting significant flaws and raising multiple questions: "Why were risky contracts concluded that are falling apart in court now? Why were extraordinarily high prices paid? Why did Minister Spahn seal important files? How did it come to billions of masks having to be destroyed?" The taxpayers now have to bear the consequences of Spahn's poor management.

Read also:

The CDU should push for transparency and accountability in the Corona-mask lawsuits, given their role in the coalition government. Jens Spahn, former Health Minister, should address the concerns raised by Alliance 90/The Greens' Audretsch regarding the masks procurement debacle and its potentially devastating financial implications.

