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Climate activists ask Chancellor: "Mr. Scholz, where are you?"

The COP28 world climate conference begins in a few days. German climate activists have sent Chancellor Scholz an open letter: "Which side of history do you want to have been on?"

Climate activists call on Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz to take a stand in an open
Climate activists call on Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz to take a stand in an open

Climate activists ask Chancellor: "Mr. Scholz, where are you?"

Fridays for Future Germany has sent an open letter on climate protection to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). "Mr. Scholz, where are you? Next week the World Climate Conference (COP28) begins in Dubai. And we ask ourselves: Where on earth are you?" says the paper, which was made available to the German Press Agency. "And: Which side of history do you want to have been on? This letter is an outcry and an appeal."

The climate protection movement also referred to the Karlsruhe budget ruling. "Last week's ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court on the Climate and Transformation Fund was another low point. It is your job to ensure funding for compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement," the activists appeal in the paper. The handling of the missing money "gives the impression that the Chancellor - when push comes to shove - doesn't care about the climate after all."

Last week, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros in the 2021 budget null and void. The money had been approved as a coronavirus loan, but was to be used retrospectively for climate protection and modernizing the economy. It is still unclear what will actually happen to the projects that were to be financed from the climate and transformation fund.

The Federal Government, led by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, has been called into question by Fridays for Future Germany over climate protection. The activists' open letter expresses concern about Scholz's absence at the upcoming World Climate Conference (COP28) in Dubai and mentions his role in ensuring funding for compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement, as highlighted by the Karlsruhe budget ruling.


