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Climate activist hospitalized due to hunger strike.

Protesters in Berlin are engaging in a hunger strike in order to compel the Chancellor to deliver a government announcement regarding the severe climate crisis. One of them has recently become critically ill and is currently hospitalized.

Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick in the hunger strike camp in Berlin.
Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick in the hunger strike camp in Berlin.

Social action or protest for a cause. - Climate activist hospitalized due to hunger strike.

Someone taking part in the Climate Hunger Strike in Berlin had to be hospitalized, says "Hunger till you're honest" campaign. A 49-year-old man named Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick was sent to the Bundeswehr Hospital. He's been on hunger strike for 89 days now, and a medical team examined his condition which they ruled as critically dangerous to his life.

A number of activists associated with the campaign have been fasting in Berlin for quite some time and are now in poor health. They're looking for a statement from Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) explaining his position on the matter. This statement should mention that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has already exceeded safe limits and that there's no extra budget of CO2 left.

The campaign also shared what appears to be prepared remarks from Metzeler-Kick in case of his hospitalization. He commented, "It seems the government would rather have us die from hunger than admit the scientific facts," according to them. The demonstrators and their supporters urge for peaceful protests.

Chancellor Scholz asks protesters to end hunger strike

Recently, Scholz requested that participants of the Climate Hunger Strike call off their initiative. During a citizens' dialogue organized by Thuringian General Anzeiger, he expressed this sentiment. Scholz didn't discuss the protestors' demands explicitly.

The strikers have set up camp at the Federal Ministry of Economics. Metzeler-Kick started his hunger strike on March 7th, after which others joined him.

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