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Clashes in Mallorca following a police operation's conclusion

After a fortnight since the reported assault on a taxi operative in Mallorca, information surfaced regarding the officers' background. Prior to the incident, the implicated law enforcers were partaking in a group outing on the island.

A Spanish Law Enforcement Officer Relaxing on a Beach in Mallorca
A Spanish Law Enforcement Officer Relaxing on a Beach in Mallorca

- Clashes in Mallorca following a police operation's conclusion

After a violent assault on a taxi driver in Mallorca by police officers from Essen, fresh details have surfaced. According to the Essen police, the accused officers initially visited the island for a "day to boost team spirit" with their colleagues. Later on, a total of 27 police officers, as per the state parliament's interior committee's records, extended their stay for a brief vacation. The alleged incident is said to have taken place during this period.

Following the incident that occurred at 4:00 AM on August 20th, several officers reportedly informed their superior officer about the incident, as mentioned in the interior committee's report. The main victim was initially assigned to desk duty, where he had no interaction with the public.

The North Rhine-Westphalian Interior Ministry acknowledges in the document that three accused officers known to the Spanish justice system are implicated in the case. In total, four Germans are believed to have been involved. No documents from Spain have been received yet, the ministry discloses. A court order from Manacor was provided for the report.

According to the taxi driver's account, he drove four German tourists to their accommodation in Son Burges. Upon arrival, one of the tourists couldn't locate his phone and accused the driver of theft. The driver was then reportedly assaulted by the passengers with kicks and punches all over his body. A medical report indicates that the taxi driver sustained brain hemorrhaging, fractures of the fifth and seventh ribs, and a ruptured diaphragm.

Because of the "extreme brutality and severity of the crime," the three Germans were ordered to stay 500 meters away from the victim. However, all three were released without posting bail.

The Essen police plan to initiate disciplinary proceedings once they receive and review the case file from the public prosecutor's office. Neglecting off-duty conduct regulations could potentially be a violation. "I expect all employees of the NRW police, and indeed all other employees, to maintain an impeccable conduct both within and outside their duties," Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) is quoted as saying in the document for the state parliament.

As revealed by the Interior Ministry, "days to promote team spirit" are organized and funded by the respective team at their own expense.

The Interior Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia is responsible for addressing the case involving the police officers from Essen, as three of them are implicated in the violence against the taxi driver. The incident occurred during the officers' extended stay in Mallorca for a team-building event organized by the Ministry of the Interior.

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