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City of Essen prepares for AfD party conference

Riots expected

The Grugahalle has already been extensively cordoned off.
The Grugahalle has already been extensively cordoned off.

City of Essen prepares for AfD party conference

After a long argument over the location, the AfD party conference begins on Saturday at the Grugahalle in Essen. Security forces are preparing for up to 100,000 demonstrators with road closures and checkpoints. The police are deploying thousands of officers.

A day before the controversial AfD federal party conference in Essen, counter-demonstrators have positioned themselves, and the police have assembled strong forces. The number of demonstrators is estimated to reach 80,000 during the weekend, according to North Rhine-Westphalia's Interior Minister Herbert Reul in an interview with the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). There could even be 100,000, added a ministry spokesperson. The police are reportedly focusing on around 1,000 left-extremists from all over Germany and abroad, who are expected in Essen. The scene has announced plans to prevent the party conference with violent actions. The police have already shown a significant presence at central locations in the city today.

The security measures have already partly paralyzed the popular shopping and entertainment district of Rüttenscheid today. Residents could only reach their homes on foot and after an identity check. Motorists had to detour around the Grugahalle. Bus and tram services were suspended on several lines. A police helicopter circled above the city. A popular park with a swimming pool was also closed for security reasons. At some shop windows, plywood boards had been nailed up out of fear of disturbances.

Up to 4,000 activists camp at "Camp against Racism"

A few kilometers outside the city on a free field along the Ruhr, a tent camp for up to 4,000 activists was filling up. The "Camp against Racism" was originally planned at a central location, but was banned there by the police - much to the dismay of the organizers. The actions on Friday are the beginning of a whole series of rallies, demonstrations, and assemblies that will accompany the two-day AfD federal party conference at the Essen Grugahalle on Saturday and Sunday. The peak is expected on Saturday. At least 45,000 demonstrators are expected at a central rally organized by the city.

The police are deploying several thousand officers. Conflict potential exists above all when left-wing activists fulfill their announcement and try to block the arrival of the approximately 600 delegates to the party conference. An initiative has announced sit-in protests at the Grugahalle for the early morning of Saturday. The police warned demonstrators explicitly against such actions. "Obstructive blockades, which aim to disrupt or prevent the AfD federal party conference, are a criminal offense," the police emphasized.

State Interior Minister Reul appealed for understanding for the police intervention. "Equal opportunities for all political parties are a essential element of our liberal-democratic basic order." Therefore, the police will ensure an undisturbed course of the party conference and intervene robustly if necessary.

The AfD will choose a new board during the party conference on Saturday and Sunday. The city of Essen had been looking for ways to prevent the AfD party conference for months - but was ultimately unsuccessful in court.

  1. Despite the ban on a central location, up to 4,000 activists have set up camp at the "Camp against Racism" a few kilometers outside of Essen, expressing their opposition to the AfD party conference.
  2. In response to the anticipated protests and demonstrations, the police have deployed several thousand officers to maintain order and security during the AfD federal party conference in Essen.3.Amidst the heightened political tension, the Police have warned demonstrators against obstructive blockades aimed at disrupting or preventing the AfD party conference, emphasizing that such actions are considered a criminal offense.

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