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City of Erfurt declares war on pizza boxes

They lie around or clog up waste garbage cans: pizza boxes are a nuisance for the city of Erfurt. Now a special garbage can is set to fix it.

It doesn't really fit here. The city of Erfurt has therefore installed new garbage cans (archive...
It doesn't really fit here. The city of Erfurt has therefore installed new garbage cans (archive image).

Pizza garbage can - City of Erfurt declares war on pizza boxes

With special Pizza bins, the city Erfurt aims to get a handle on the flood of Pizza boxes in public spaces. Six special Pizza bins have been set up at six locations, which are now being tested as part of a pilot project, the city announced. The boxes can be comfortably placed and stacked in these bins. A roof protects the paper from rain.

The background is that in the summer months, the garbage in the green containers increases enormously, the city added. Pizza boxes are therefore being disposed of more and more on or next to the garbage bins. The rectangular box does not fit into public garbage bins or clogs the city's containers when folded.

To address this issue, the city council in Thuringia proposed a new initiative. They intend to collect and properly dispose of waste Pizza boxes, recognizing them as a significant source of curiosities in the city's waste management system, especially during the summer months.

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