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Christmas tree sought - above 30 degrees

Early planning is half done. Almost nobody thinks about Christmas in summer. But in Pirna, preparations are already underway.

In Pirna, a Christmas tree is already being searched for the Christmas market (archive image)
In Pirna, a Christmas tree is already being searched for the Christmas market (archive image)

Custom - Christmas tree sought - above 30 degrees

For the Pirna Christmas market, a decent tree is already being sought after. "A tree between 11 and 14 meters high, which someone on their property wants to donate and is willing to give up," the organizers of the so-called Canalettomarkt announced. A "straight and evenly rounded growth" is advantageous, and the location is also important: The property should be "easily accessible – for the heavy crane technology and the special heavy transport by the Technical Aid Organization Pirna, which will be responsible for the felling of the tree again."

Applicants can register until August 31st and are asked to provide information about the tree along with a photo. The tree will be donated and then felled two weeks before the start of the Christmas Market. This year, it will open on November 26th.

The organizers of the Pirna Christmas market prefer a custom-sized Christmas tree, looking for one between 11 and 14 meters, to be donated from a local residence. The location of the tree is crucial, as it needs to be easily accessible for the crane technology and heavy transport during the felling process. Following the donation, the tree will be a prominent feature at the annual Saxony Christmas market in Pirna, which commences on November 26th.

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