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Christina Block has shelled out more than half a million euros for legal services.

Intensified argument regarding child guardianship

Christina Block and her ex-husband have been involved in legal disputes for years.
Christina Block and her ex-husband have been involved in legal disputes for years.

The contentious custody case regarding the Block kids gained notoriety across Germany due to the abduction of two minors on New Year's Eve, and a resolution remains elusive. Instead, investigations are ongoing, and lawmakers are in heated debates - with the mother asserting she's shelled out a considerable sum for legal fees, as per her comments.

Hamburg entrepreneur, Christina Block, has been hit hard financially by her contentious custody battle with her ex-husband. She disclosed to Bild newspaper, "I've already spent over half a million euros on this lawsuit so far, and the proceedings continue. I can't fathom what these folks' motivation is."

For four years, her ex-spouse has obstructed an independent expert from creating a psychological assessment of the children in Denmark. "A German expert was even warned by the police if she intended to go to Denmark," Block revealed. "It's only fair for an independent expert to examine mother, father, and the children at least once."

Christina and her ex-husband have feuded for years over custody of their younger two kids, who are roughly 10 and 13 years old. Since late August 2021, these children have resided with their father in Denmark, as they failed to return to their mother from a visit with him. The Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, which granted the mother custody rights in October 2021, ruled on February 19, 2024, that German courts were no longer authoritative.

Investigations against Christina and Eugen Block

On New Year's Eve, the two children were smuggled into Germany in a covert operation by unidentified persons. According to a court verdict, the mother was mandated to return them to Denmark.

The authorities are probing Christina Block, 51, and her father Eugen Block on charges of abetting deprivation of minors. They are suspected of conspiring and executing the child abduction, with the assistance of unknown accomplices. The authorities have already raided their business and personal premises multiple times.

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