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Chosen Alpirsbach Mayor - Trial likely 2025

This mayoral election made headlines: The winner allegedly cheated, causing it to be annulled. However, the final word has not been spoken yet. A criminal trial is also pending.

The mayoral election in Alprisbach is still echoing, and it may continue into next year.
The mayoral election in Alprisbach is still echoing, and it may continue into next year.

Declaration of invalidity for election - Chosen Alpirsbach Mayor - Trial likely 2025

After the mayor election in Alpirsbach, which was declared invalid, the winner, Sven Christmann, is expected to face a Criminal Trial in the coming year. The Landratsamt Freudenstadt announced the annulment of the election due to Christmann's deceit towards voters regarding his employment status with the police during the campaign. Investigations against Christmann and other suspects regarding potential bribery in the procurement of drying racks for the police are ongoing.

Open hearing for main trial in June

The 16th Large Criminal Chamber at the Landgericht Karlsruhe opened the main trial for this case in June, but no dates have been scheduled yet due to the court being overloaded with other cases until the end of the year. Therefore, the trial is likely to begin in 2025.

Christmann stated on his website: "As for my contribution to the entire procurement process, I have a clear conscience and am fully convinced that I have always acted dutyfully. And I am equally confident that this will also be clearly proven." The same applies to every defendant, including him. His lawyer declined to comment further on the opened main trial.

New election ordered

In the runoff election in the 6,000-resident town, the police commissioner without party affiliation received approximately 56% of the votes, while the incumbent mayor, Michael Pfaff, received approximately 44%. The Landratsamt examined the election after three objections were filed.

It was concluded that Christmann had been prohibited from managing city affairs - and referred to it as a suspension. Christmann's public denial of the suspension on Instagram was considered an active deception of voters, who had significant influence on the election outcome. The election was also declared invalid due to other irregularities and a new election was ordered.

Proceedings at the Administrative Court underway

Christmann's lawyer filed a complaint with the Administrative Court in Karlsruhe. The argument is that a suspension is a provisional dismissal, which was not in effect here.

When the 14th Chamber at the Administrative Court makes a decision in this matter is not yet clear, according to a court spokesperson. The plaintiff's side can currently view the case files and file their complaint. After the defendant's response is awaited, the chamber will decide on further proceedings.

City administration in Alpirsbach continues to operate normally. The city stated after the annulment of the election: "This decision does not create a lawless situation and there is still the ability to act. Elected deputy mayors of the mayor have been appointed, who continue to work." "All pending decisions can be made."

  1. Despite the ongoing criminal trial at the Landgericht Karlsruhe, Sven Christmann maintains his innocence, asserting that he acted dutyfully during the procurement process and the entire election campaign.
  2. The Administrative Court in Karlsruhe is currently reviewing Christmann's complaint regarding his suspension, as his lawyer argues that it was not a valid reason to annul the election.
  3. The election for a new mayor in Alpirsbach, following the invalidation of the previous one, is expected to be a significant event in the political landscape of Baden-Württemberg.
  4. The Police in Freudenstadt continue their investigations into potential bribery involving Sven Christmann and other suspects in relation to the procurement of drying racks for the force.
  5. The Mayor of Freudenstadt, who is overseeing the administrative affairs of Alpirsbach, has reassured the citizens that despite the legal complexities, the city's operations remain undisrupted.
  6. The Administrative Court hearing regarding Christmann's suspension might impact the outcome of the new mayor election in Alpirsbach, if the court rules in favor of Christmann's claim that the suspension was not valid.

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