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Chinese automakers maintain their expansion strategies in Europe.

In spite of potential tariffs, ...

Chinese carmakers stick to plans for European business
Chinese carmakers stick to plans for European business

Chinese automakers maintain their expansion strategies in Europe.

Chinese carmakers, despite the risk of anti-dumping tariffs, remain determined to continue their expansion in Europe, says the head of the Chinese Automobile Manufacturers Association (CPCA). Cui Dongshu, the association's secretary-general, declared Tuesday: "Chinese firms will keep pushing forward their businesses in Europe and immersing themselves into the local market."

The European auto industry contributes significantly to the jobs and economy. Cui assured that Chinese companies "won't take extreme measures to undermine the stability of the European labor market."

The coming days will reveal the EU's decision on whether to impose tariffs on Chinese electric cars in response to claims of unfair subsidies in China. China, however, denies these accusations.

Chinese automotive exports have recently slid. May's CPCA data showed a four percent decrease in the sales of electric cars and hybrids exported to other countries, compared to the previous year. Sales of all types of vehicles plummeted by nine percent. Cui expressed his disappointment, remarking: "Our expectations with the export data were not met."

Read also:

  1. Despite the potential impact of customs duties, the head of the CPCA maintains that Chinese car manufacturers have plans to persistently grow their European business.
  2. In the face of European concerns about Chinese business practices, such as allegations of unfair subsidies, Chinese automobile companies have assured they won't alter their plans for expansion in the region, avoiding extreme measures.
  3. Despite a recent decline in Chinese automotive exports, Chinese car manufacturers, like the ones in the European business sector, have firm future plans to boost sales and market presence.

