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China sends record number of combat aircraft towards Taiwan

Chinese fighter jets during a drill around Taiwan (archival image)
Chinese fighter jets during a drill around Taiwan (archival image)

Another military exercise - China sends record number of combat aircraft towards Taiwan

During the NATO summit in the USA, China seems to have intensified military drills near Taiwan. The Taiwanese Defense Ministry reported a record number of 66 Chinese military aircraft in the area around the island in the past 24 hours (local time). Fifty-six of these had crossed the unofficial median line in the Taiwan Strait, according to the agency. The fighter jets had entered Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) – not to be confused with the airspace – from the north, southwest, and southeast.

Moreover, Taiwan detected seven Chinese naval vessels from the People's Liberation Army around the island republic.

On Wednesday, the Defense Ministry reported an increased number of Chinese military aircraft over the median line in the Taiwan Strait. These had flown towards the Western Pacific and had accompanied the Chinese aircraft carrier "Shandong" during an exercise.

China considers Taiwan a renegade province

For several years, China has regularly sent fighter jets, other aircraft, and warships close to the self-governing island. The previous record was 62 fighter jets, which flew an exercise shortly after the new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te took office. Taiwan's military must respond when Chinese combat jets enter its ADIZ. For example, they can send their own military aircraft to intercept.

This exercise is taking place during the NATO summit in Washington, where the military alliance adopted a tougher tone against China and accused Beijing of providing support for Russia's attack on Ukraine.

Taiwan seceded from mainland China at the end of the Civil War and after the takeover of power by the Communists in Beijing 75 years ago. Beijing considers the island a renegade province that should be reunified with the mainland. However, Taiwan has been governed by a democratically elected government for decades. President Lai Ching-te and his Democratic Progressive Party, which advocates Taiwan's independence, are viewed as separatists by Beijing. China has threatened on multiple occasions to "reunify" the island with military means.

  1. At the NATO Summit being held in Washington, China escalated its military exercises close to Taiwan, a view shared by the Taiwanese Defense Ministry.
  2. The escalation included a record-breaking 66 Chinese military aircraft, with 56 crossing Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) within the past 24 hours.
  3. The Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan's ADIZ from various directions, including the north, southwest, and southeast, raising concerns about potential conflict.
  4. Amidst these tensions, the NATO Summit in Washington adopted a more assertive stance against China, criticizing Beijing for supporting Russia's attack on Ukraine within its Air Defense Zone near Beijing.

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