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China criticizes Stoltenberg statement on stance in Ukraine war

NATO demands consequences

China criticizes Stoltenberg statement on stance in Ukraine war
China criticizes Stoltenberg statement on stance in Ukraine war

China criticizes Stoltenberg statement on stance in Ukraine war

China criticized NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg's remark that Beijing should pay the price for its stance in the Ukraine war. NATO should reflect upon itself instead of arbitrarily blaming China, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian.

Stoltenberg accused China in a speech during a US visit of trying to give the impression of staying neutral in the conflict to avoid sanctions and keep trade running.

"But the reality is that China is fueling the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II," Stoltenberg said. At the same time, Beijing wants to maintain good relations with the West. "Now, Beijing cannot have both," he said. The allies must demand costs if China does not change course, said the Norwegian.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry emphasized that China is not the instigator of the war. Beijing is considered the strongest supporter of Moscow because it strengthens Russia's attack on the international stage with its seemingly neutral stance. For the peace conference in Switzerland, China had withdrawn, but it emphasized its intention to participate in negotiations to end the conflict.

The US has already sanctioned several Chinese companies because, in Washington's view, they supplied Russia with crucial technology for military build-up and the war. China called on "relevant parties" to stop assigning blame and pouring oil on the fire, and to earnestly make concrete efforts for a political settlement of the crisis, Lin said.

  1. Jens Stoltenberg's statement accused China of fueling the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II, yet China, through its spokesperson Lin Jian, asserted that it is not the instigator of the Ukraine war.
  2. Despite Beijing's seemingly neutral stance strengthening Russia's attack on the international stage, China had withdrawn from the peace conference in Switzerland but emphasized its intention to participate in negotiations to end the conflict.
  3. In response to NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg's claim that China should pay the price for its stance in the Ukraine war, the ChineseForeign Ministry advised the allies to reflect upon themselves rather than arbitrarily blaming China, as China calls on "relevant parties" to stop assigning blame and instead work towards a political settlement of the crisis.

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