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China leverages book fair as a platform for propaganda dissemination

Promotional Material for Leader Xi

In the year 2022, another accolade commending Xi Jinping's alleged triumphant leadership was...
In the year 2022, another accolade commending Xi Jinping's alleged triumphant leadership was released at the book fair.

China leverages book fair as a platform for propaganda dissemination

The Frankfurt Book Fair is underway, with China once again contributing financially to its organizers. For years, China has employed the world's largest book fair as a platform for propagating its opinions. There seems to be no conflict in this, according to the fair organizers, with their own code of conduct.

The stage at the Frankfurt Book Fair was bathed in a bed of blue light, and a serene landscape of hills was visible behind the speaker, with a Chinese temple peeking through. Wu Ken, then still ambassador of the People's Republic of China, was present in Frankfurt in October 2023 to promote Xi Jinping, the State and Party leader. Just a few days prior, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock had labeled him as a "dictator". Now, in a room specifically rented for the occasion at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Wu promoted a book titled "Stories of Xi Jinping", a propaganda work that focused on the communist ruler.

Wu is known for his provocative diplomacy. Individuals like him are referred to as "wolf warriors" in China. Wu commenced his lecture, entitled "The Power of Thought", with a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. "Thinking and doing, doing and thinking, that is the sum of all wisdom," Wu said, cleverly relating the quote to the German model poet and the communist leadership of his country. Wu then went on to draw parallels between the quote and the philosophy that guided personal development, as well as the logic and wisdom with which a country should be governed.

Xi Jinping as a Philanthropist

Wu then presented "Stories of Xi Jinping", a twelve-part podcast series where the head of the Communist Party of China (CPC) interacted with farmers in the countryside, coal miners, students, or factory workers. According to Wu, this series demonstrated how Xi listens to the people and addresses their concerns. This portrayal of Xi as a people-oriented leader likely fell on deaf ears to Uighurs, Tibetans, Hong Kongers, and Chinese regime critics, who have been imprisoned in large numbers since Xi took office.

"The Chinese government utilizes all available platforms for its propaganda, regardless of its truthfulness," said Tenzin Zöchbauer, chairwoman of the Tibet Initiative, to ntv. "Tibetan writers and intellectuals are sentenced to lengthy prison terms for their works, while the Chinese Communist Party is permitted to spread its propaganda freely on the stages of the Frankfurt Book Fair."

Despite this, the fair organizers remain committed to promoting tolerance and diversity in their own code of conduct, while taking a firm stance against "inappropriate, discriminatory verbal comments" regarding ethnicity, nationality, or religion in their halls. The apparent disregard for Xi Jinping's use of violence against individuals based on their ethnicity, nationality, or religion in the People's Republic of China is not addressed in Frankfurt. "The Frankfurt Book Fair is a gathering point where individuals from over 100 nations, including non-democratic states, can meet in peace and security despite the tense global situation," Messesprecher Torsten Casimir explained in response to questions about the Chinese regime's participation.

Confucius Institutes and Scholarships

Anyone willing to pay the stand rental fee seems to be welcome at the book fair. This explains why the Confucius Institutes have been exhibitors for years. However, the self-promotion has become less militaristic over time. While last year's events focused on topics such as "How China Became a World Power" and featured titles like "Long Live Socialism", this year's activities are more apolitical, with offerings such as Chinese calligraphy and a children's book about "Tiao Tiao - The Chinese Ghost".

At Stand 3 in Hall 3, information about language courses and scholarships for studying in China is also available. Through its state scholarship programs, the Chinese regime facilitates a wide-ranging transfer of knowledge to the People's Republic. The amount that the Chinese representatives have paid for their stands at the book fair has not been disclosed by the fair's spokesperson. "We cannot and do not wish to disclose information about our current or previous business partnerships with our customers," the fair spokesperson said in response to questions about the financial contributions.

Criticism of the involvement of the authoritarian regime at the book fair is rare. Four years ago, when Thalia displayed propaganda titles by Xi Jinping in some of its windows, criticisms were more vocal. "Thalia must choose: Kneeling before dictatorships for a slight increase in profits – or decency and courage," demanded Michael Brandt, the human rights spokesperson for the CDU faction at the time. The Tibet Initiative now urges even more strongly against cooperation. "The book fair is aiding and abetting the Chinese regime," Zöchbauer said. "As long as censorship is rampant in China, Chinese propaganda should not have a place at the book fair."

In just a few years, the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, the organizer of the book fair, had clearly opposed the Chinese regime. In 2019, when mass demonstrations for freedom and democracy in Hong Kong were violently suppressed, the organization stated: "While citizens in Hong Kong are fighting for their freedom rights, the Chinese regime is building its dream of a perfect dictatorship," said Alexander Skipis, CEO of the Börsenverein, in 2019. "We cannot and do not want to remain silent."

For nearly eight decades, the Börsenverein has bestowed its Peace Prize of the German Book Trade; in 2012, it was given to Liao Yiwu who sought refuge in Germany, escaping his Chinese suppressors. As a recipient, he was awarded 25,000 euros. The financial details regarding China's annual booth at the book fair are kept under wraps by the event's organizers, maintaining a financial secrecy.

The Commission, overseeing the Frankfurt Book Fair, may consider adopting implementing acts to align with the regulations concerning the event. Despite the financial contributions from China to the fair, the commission has maintained a stance against inappropriate comments related to ethnicity, nationality, or religion within its halls.

Wu Ken's presence at the book fair was advertised on Twitter by the Chinese embassy (previously known as X).

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