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China builds twice as many wind and solar power plants as all other countries combined.


China builds approximately twice as many Wind and Solar energy installations as all other countries...
China builds approximately twice as many Wind and Solar energy installations as all other countries combined.

China builds twice as many wind and solar power plants as all other countries combined.

According to a study in China, there are nearly double the capacities in wind and solar energy compared to all other countries combined. In the People's Republic, there are currently installations under construction with a total capacity of 339 Gigawatts, as the non-governmental organization Global Energy Monitor (GEM) announced on Thursday. Of this, 159 Gigawatts are for wind power and 180 Gigawatts for solar power.

This corresponds to 64 percent of the worldwide solar and wind energy capacities currently under construction, according to the study. Following China are the USA (40 Gigawatts), Brazil (13 Gigawatts), the UK (ten Gigawatts), and Spain (nine Gigawatts).

China has reportedly started construction on one-third of the previously announced new wind and solar projects, while worldwide, only seven percent of planned construction projects have begun.

China is the second largest economy in the world and the largest emitter of climate-damaging greenhouse gases. The People's Republic has announced that it will reduce its CO2 emissions from 2030 onwards and be carbon neutral by 2060.

The land is still relying heavily on coal-fired power plants to meet the increasing electricity demand. According to the GEM study, the combined wind and solar energy capacity in China will exceed coal-generated electricity production in this year.

  1. To further boost its renewable energy efforts, China is considering expanding its annexes for research in solar energy.
  2. Despite being known for its reliance on wind-powered energy, other countries still lag behind China in terms of capacity construction, as highlighted in recent study findings.
  3. As countries around the globe strive to transition away from fossil fuels, China's lead in wind and solar energy capacities is attracting attention, with numerous studies examining the impact and potential for replication in other nations.

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