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China beats the rest of the world in patents on generative AI

Artificial intelligence is electrifying the world. New applications are coming onto the market every day. One country beats them all when it comes to patent applications.

China has filed more patents for generative AI applications
China has filed more patents for generative AI applications

Artificial intelligence - China beats the rest of the world in patents on generative AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) theme has led to a true explosion of patent applications from China, according to the UN Organization for Intellectual Property (Wipo) in Geneva. In the field of generative AI, China has filed more patents every year since 2017 than the entire rest of the world, as reported by Wipo. Over a ten-year period, Germany ranked 6th in the list of most patent applications in this field.

With generative AI, users can be supported based on training data to produce texts, images, and other content. Examples include AI applications such as ChatGPT or Gemini.

China: 38,000 Patents, Germany: 708

According to Wipo data, companies and institutes in China have filed over 38,000 patent applications in the field of generative AI between 2013 and 2023. The USA was far behind with 6,300, followed by South Korea, Japan, and India. Great Britain was in fifth place with 714, closely followed by Germany with 708, which, according to Wipo reports, has been filing more patents in this field than Great Britain in recent years.

"Generative AI has proven to be a groundbreaking technology that has the potential to change the way we work, live, and play," said Wipo Director General Daren Tang.

  • Wipo press release
  • Wipo patent statistics
  1. Despite China's significant lead in generative AI patent applications, Switzerland, home to the World Intellectual Property Organization (Wipo) in Geneva, has also seen an increase in related patent filings, indicative of a global focus on this technology.
  2. The explosion of patent applications in the field of AI, including generative AI, has led to intense competition between countries like China, Germany, and Great Britain, each seeking to secure its position in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.
  3. In addition to its generative AI dominance, China has also filed numerous patent applications in other AI-related fields, potentially positioning itself as a global leader in artificial intelligence technology, much like its lead in computer manufacturing.
  4. Switzerland, along with other European countries like Germany and Great Britain, recognizes the potential of AI and has taken active steps to attract and support AI-related startups and research, aiming to remain competitive in the global technology market.
  5. The international community, including Great Britain and Germany, looks to China for insights and advancements in AI, particularly in the area of generative AI, as the country's extensive patent applications reveal various innovative approaches and applications in the field.
  6. With the potential of generative AI to revolutionize various industries, including technology, entertainment, and education, countries like Great Britain, Germany, and China are investing heavily in AI research, with patent applications serving as indicators of the intensity of their efforts and commitment to tapping into this disruptive technology.

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