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Child tossed off the third level: mother in mental hospital

Signs of being unwell

The family's apartment is on the third floor of the building in the Altglienicke district near...
The family's apartment is on the third floor of the building in the Altglienicke district near Berlin Airport.

Child tossed off the third level: mother in mental hospital

In the city of Berlin, a small girl with severe injuries was discovered in a cat box that was placed in front of a house. It's believed that her mother perpetrated this act by throwing her from the third floor window. The mother, who is 40 years old, is currently under the supervision of a psychiatric institution.

The woman had four children, including a 1-year-old, a nine-year-old, and two other minors, as well as an adult child. Reportedly, she was facing overwhelming challenges that led to her taking such a drastic action. The young girl was discovered in the Treptow-Koepenick region of the city, southeast of Berlin.

A bystander discovered the cat box on the ground and alerted the fire department, which transported the wounded child to the hospital. Even though her condition was not critical and she had "serious fall injuries," she was still transferred to the medical institution. The "B.Z." news outlet reported that the baby had multiple bone fractures.

The site of the incident is a third-floor apartment in the Altglienicke district next to Berlin's airport. The mother apparently threw the child of one year out of a window at a height of at least 10 meters. In a snapshot taken by "B.Z." newspaper, a blue plastic box, which is typically used for transporting cats, could be seen lying in front of a house by the police-secured area and some bicycle racks.

The police captured the mother at the scene, and in addition to her, they found a 9-year-old child in the apartment. The children under 18 years of age were put under the care of the youth welfare office. The murder department is leading the ongoing investigation. So far, the mother hasn't made any comments, claims the prosecutor's office.

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The public prosecutor's office is overseeing the investigation into the mother's actions, given the grave nature of the incident. The local police, along with international law enforcement agencies, are collaborating to gather evidence and interview potential witnesses, considering the international attention the case has garnered due to its gravity.

