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Charges filed after combine harvester accident in Hohen Luckow

In the summer of 2023, a farmer gets caught in a combine harvester near Rostock. Both of his legs are amputated in a dramatic rescue operation. Charges are now brought against a colleague.

Almost a year after the serious combine harvester accident, charges of negligent bodily harm are...
Almost a year after the serious combine harvester accident, charges of negligent bodily harm are brought. (archive picture)

Negligent bodily injury? - Charges filed after combine harvester accident in Hohen Luckow

Approximately one year after the severe tractor accident in Hohen Luckow (Landkreis Rostock), the Rostock Public Prosecutor's Office filed charges against a 26-year-old man for negligent bodily harm at the Rostock District Court. According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, this man is a colleague of the then 25-year-old farmer, who lost both legs in the accident. The NDR reported on this earlier.

According to the police, there were three people present at the accident: besides the farmer, a then 25-year-old employee of the agricultural enterprise, and a then 24-year-old harvest helper.

They reportedly wanted to empty the silo of the tractor earlier. They allegedly discovered a technical fault. The farmer intended to remove it with a shovel and slipped into the grain silo's hopper instead. The investigators suspected that the tractor's safety mechanism might have been bypassed. Since no one is supposed to be on the driver's seat, the machine usually shuts off.

In a spectacular rescue operation, the farmer was assisted. The acute intervention, which lasted approximately three hours at around 30 degrees Celsius on the land machinery, involved working in several meters of height without sight of the limbs and using pocket lamps. Doctors and blood bags were flown in by helicopter. Both legs of the man had to be amputated above the knees.

  1. The indictment against the 26-year-old man for negligent bodily harm was handled by the local court in the County of Rostock.
  2. The NDR reported that the Rostock Public Prosecutor's Office filed the indictment following a severe tractor accident in Hohen Luckow, which is located in the Landkreis Rostock.
  3. The accident resulted in bodily injury, leading to the amputation of both legs above the knees for the 25-year-old farmer.
  4. The incident took place in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and the public prosecutor's office believes that the farmer's colleague may have bypassed the tractor's safety mechanism.
  5. The local agricultural enterprise, where both the farmer and the accused worked, had a harvest helper present at the time of the accident.

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