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Charge for racist songs at shooting festival

After singing a right-wing radical text to a party hit in Lower Saxony, legal procedures have been initiated. Two juveniles may soon stand trial accordingly.

Due to the singing of a racistic text to the party song 'L'amour toujours' by Gigi D'Agostino, the...
Due to the singing of a racistic text to the party song 'L'amour toujours' by Gigi D'Agostino, the public prosecutor has indicted two young men.

Criminality - Charge for racist songs at shooting festival

Due to singing a racist text to the party song "L'amour toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino, the Prosecutor's Office in Oldenburg has indicted two juveniles for incitement to hatred. The two are accused of shouting the slogan "Germans for Germans, foreigners out" on May 20 at the Schützenfest in Löningen-Bunnen in Lower Saxony, according to a spokesperson for the Prosecutor's Office.

The investigation against three other suspects was discontinued by the Prosecutor's Office as they could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have shouted hate speech, as stated.

The two defendants must now answer before the Youth Court of the Amtsgericht Cloppenburg, if the court allows the prosecution and opens the main proceedings. Trials against juveniles usually take place in camera.

The case became public due to excerpts of the singing being recorded in a video and spread over social media. The reporting on it received nationwide attention. Witnesses reported the incident to the police. The club management distanced itself from the singing and announced a processing.

  1. The racist incident occurred at a Shooting festival in Löningen-Bunnen, which is located in the German state of Lower Saxony.
  2. Besides the indicted juveniles, Gigi D'Agostino's party hit "L'amour toujours" was also played at the party in Löningen-Bunnen.
  3. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Oldenburg is responsible for handling the indictment against the two juveniles for incitement to hatred.
  4. The shooting festival in Lower Saxony was not the first time the town of Löningen was involved in controversy; in 2007, several right-wing political events led to protests.
  5. Despite the widespread attention this case received, another popular German city, Berlin, has struggled with an increase in Criminality during its mayo-festivals, leading to increasing public demand for stricter security measures.
  6. The controversy surrounding the incident in Löningen-Bunnen has ignited a discussion on the growing issue of Racism in German parties, with several organizations calling for more awareness and activism against hate speech.

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