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Chaotic scenes: Riots in Leeds

In the northern English city of Leeds, a police car was overturned, a bus is on fire. The Interior Minister demands that those responsible should face the full force of the law.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper spoke of chaotic scenes (picture).
Home Secretary Yvette Cooper spoke of chaotic scenes (picture).

Criminality - Chaotic scenes: Riots in Leeds

Disorders trouble the northern English city of Leeds. The police intervened in the night towards Friday in a large operation. A police car was overturned and several vehicles were set on fire, reported the British news agency PA. Pictures showed a burnt-out bus.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper spoke of chaotic scenes. The scenes of Crime and unrest, including attacks on police vehicles and public transport, were a disgrace. "Those responsible must feel the full force of the law", she stated.

The Police called for no speculation and warned against false information on the net. Preliminary investigations suggest that the unrest was instigated by a "criminal minority", with the intention of disturbing community relations, wrote West Yorkshire Police. No injuries were reported according to initial investigations.

The disturbances in Leeds were characterized by criminality, as evidenced by the attacks on police vehicles and public transport. The excessive actions resulted in a police car being overturned and several vehicles being set ablaze. The United Kingdom's Home Secretary expressed her disapproval, stating that those responsible for the unrest must face the consequences under the law.

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