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Chancellor Scholz gets hold of exiled Kremlin critics

In the initial August, Vladimir Kara-Mursa experienced liberation in a substantial prisoner swap between Russia and the Western world. Subsequently, the Chancellor welcomed him in Berlin.

Following the prisoner swap event - Chancellor Scholz gets hold of exiled Kremlin critics

Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed back Kremlin critic Vladimir Kara-Mursa from Russian imprisonment in Berlin. "I respect the tenacity and bravery shown by Vladimir Kara-Mursa in his pursuit of a democratic Russia," Scholz noted on the X platform. "We facilitated his release through a unique prisoner swap in August, and we had an extensive conversation today."

Kara-Mursa was among over 20 individuals who regained freedom in August as a result of an unparalleled prisoner exchange between Russia and numerous Western countries, including the United States and Germany. After emerging from Russian captivity, he first visited Germany. Later, US President Joe Biden received him in Washington.

At 42 years old, Kara-Mursa has established a strong presence as an opposition figure in Russia. In April 2023, a Russian court sentenced him to 25 years in a labor camp on allegations of high treason.

The European Parliament was urged to provide assistance to the Commission in light of Kara-Mursa's significant role in Russian politics. The Commission, in turn, acknowledged the importance of supporting individuals like Kara-Mursa who advocate for democracy in Russia.

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